Probability Theory I (Fall 2024)

Lectures: Mondays, Wednesdays 11:00-12:15PM CIWW 1302

Office hours: Thursdays 4:00-5:00PM CIWW 1013

Probability Theory 1 is an graduate level introduction to probability theory.


From now on, classes will take place in WWH 1302.


Problem sets: 50%
Final exam: 50%

Schedule (tentative)

Notes (updated after class)

  1. Measure theory: Introduction, Caratheodory extension theorem (existence).
  2. Measure theory: Caratheodory extension theorem (uniqueness), Lebesgue's characterization for ℝ, Integration (random variables).
  3. Measure theory: Integration (convergence theorems).
  4. Measure theory: Transformations, product spaces.
  5. Measure theory: Distributions and expectations.
  6. Weak convergence: Characteristic functions, Lévy's theorem
  7. Weak convergence: Bochner's theorem.
  8. Independent sums: Convolutions, weak law of large numbers.
  9. Independent sums: Central limit theorem.
  10. Independent sums: Borel-Cantelli, 0-1 laws.
  11. Independent sums: Weak and strong law of large numbers.
  12. Independent sums: Accompanying laws and infinite divisibility.
  13. Dependent random variables: Conditioning.
  14. Dependent random variables: The Radon-Nikodym Theorem.
  15. Dependent random variables: Conditional expectation and conditional probability.
  16. Dependent random variables: Markov chains 1.
  17. Dependent random variables: Markov chains 2.
  18. Dependent random variables: Markov chains 3.
  19. Dependent random variables: Markov chains 4.
  20. Dependent random variables: Markov chains 5.
  21. Martingales 1.
  22. Martingales 2.
  23. Martingales 3.
  24. Martingales 4.
  25. Martingales 5.
  26. Stationary processes 1: ergodic theorems.
  27. Stationary processes 2: stationary measures.
  28. Stationary processes 3: the Markov case.

Problem sets


  • S.R.S. Varadhan, Probability Theory, Available online from NYU network here