Announcements of an urgent nature, such as disruptions of network connectivity and scheduled and unscheduled maintenance of servers, are posted here.
Changes to Courant Authentication On March 24th
On the evening of March 24th, a little after 5 pm, Courant transitioned to NYU's central authentication system for logging in to ALL Courant computing resources, so instead of using your former Courant password, now you will use your NYU NetID and password for all logins to computer resources where you previously used your Courant password.
We have received some reports of trouble logging in to the mail server in particular. In most cases where passwords are saved in browsers and mail clients, you may be prompted by the applications to enter the correct password, however for some mail clients, you may need to make the password change in the incoming and outgoing mail settings.
March 25th Update regarding file Access from Windows or Mac: With the move to NYU Active Directory for accessing drives from Windows and MacOS machines using samba. It is necessary to remap drives to change the setting, as described here.
Please send mail to if you are having any trouble now that these changes have gone into effect.
Migrating Mailing lists from Mailman list server to NYU (Google) Groups
We have begun the migration of "mailman" mailing lists to NYU groups and we will migrate the remaining CS departmental lists by the end of spring break 2025, so we can retire the mailman system and server, which have become obsolete. Existing addresses, such as "" will be forwarded to the new addresses, which will generally take the form of, where is the current address, so existing addresses will remain valid.
March 25th Update: The mailing lists have been set up and configured in NYU Groups and now the aliases from old list names to new groups are in place. It's possible we may need to modify some of the configurations.
Please report any issues with the new lists to
Linux Reboots and Updates (March 2025)
Linux compute nodes and desktop machines will be rebooted on Thursday, March 13th for software and security updates. These updates will be applied to machines between 7:00 pm and midnight. In an effort to try and minimize any corrupted files or lost work, please save all your data and log out of any Linux systems before 7:00 pm.
For more information about our computing resources and their maintenance, please see our computing resources page.
Linux Reboots and Updates (February 2025)
Linux compute nodes and desktop machines will be rebooted on Thursday, February 13th for software and security updates. These updates will be applied to machines between 7:00 pm and midnight. In an effort to try and minimize any corrupted files or lost work, please save all your data and log out of any Linux systems before 7:00 pm.
For more information about our computing resources and their maintenance, please see our computing resources page.
Implementation of Network Firewall Protection
Duing the week of January 13th, 2025, NYU IT will implement network firewall rules such that most Courant computing resources will not be reachable directly from outside of NYU without using the NYU VPN. For most Courant-managed resources this has already been the case due to firewall rules already in place. Users should still be able to login via ssh to and get to other resources from there, use, read and send mail using other mail clients and access the primary web servers. Access to University web-based services through NYU home, as well as NYU email, should remain unchanged. Please be advised that one Courant web resource that will now require use of the VPN will be the Courant Classroom Calendar. Of course all resources will be accessible from within NYU's buildings. Sorry for any inconvenience caused by these critical changes being made to secure the University's networks.
Linux Reboots and Updates (January 2025)
Linux compute nodes and desktop machines will be rebooted on Thursday, January 9th for software and security updates. These updates will be applied to machines between 7:00 pm and midnight. In an effort to try and minimize any corrupted files or lost work, please save all your data and log out of any Linux systems before 7:00 pm.
For more information about our computing resources and their maintenance, please see our computing resources page.
Upcoming Changes to Courant Identity and Authentication System in January, 2025.
In January, 2025, Courant will begin a phased migration to NYU's identity management system. Long-time users who currently use non-NetID user names to access Courant systems will have their user names changed to match their NYU NetIDs. This is scheduled to be done on the evening of January 6th, 2025.
Once these changes are made, the affected users, who have received email notifications to both their Courant and NYU email addresses, will simply need to use their NetIDs and current Courant passwords to login to Courant systems. Email forwarding from the old user name to new will be put in place to ensure that email delivery will not be interrupted. However, users will need to change the usernames in their incoming and outgoing mail client settings. Web URLs of the form ~USERNAME will similarly be "aliased" such that connections to web pages with the old user names will be redirected to the new user NetID usernames.
Please send mail to if you have any trouble after these changes are put into effect.
Linux Reboots and Updates (December 2024)
Linux compute nodes and desktop machines will be rebooted on Thursday, December 5th for software and security updates. These updates will be applied to machines between 7:00 pm and midnight. In an effort to try and minimize any corrupted files or lost work, please save all your data and log out of any Linux systems before 7:00 pm.
For more information about our computing resources and their maintenance, please see our computing resources page.
Linux Reboots and Updates (November 2024)
Linux compute nodes and desktop machines will be rebooted on Thursday, November 14th for software and security updates. These updates will be applied to machines between 7:00 pm and midnight. In an effort to try and minimize any corrupted files or lost work, please save all your data and log out of any Linux systems before 7:00 pm.
For more information about our computing resources and their maintenance, please see our computing resources page.
Linux Reboots and Updates (October 2024)
Linux compute nodes and desktop machines will be rebooted on Thursday, October 10th for software and security updates. These updates will be applied to machines between 7:00 pm and midnight. In an effort to try and minimize any corrupted files or lost work, please save all your data and log out of any Linux systems before 7:00 pm.
For more information about our computing resources and their maintenance, please see our computing resources page.
Linux Reboots and Updates (August 2024)
Linux compute nodes and desktop machines will be rebooted on Thursday, August 15th for software and security updates. These updates will be applied to machines between 7:00 pm and midnight. In an effort to try and minimize any corrupted files or lost work, please save all your data and log out of any Linux systems before 7:00 pm.
For more information about our computing resources and their maintenance, please see our computing resources page.
Linux Reboots and Updates (May 2024)
Linux compute nodes and desktop machines will be rebooted on Thursday, May 30th for software and security updates. These updates will be applied to machines between 7:00 pm and midnight. In an effort to try and minimize any corrupted files or lost work, please save all your data and log out of any Linux systems before 7:00 pm.
For more information about our computing resources and their maintenance, please see our computing resources page.
Deployment of NYU MFA System for Remote Access via ssh
On Thursday, April 2nd, 2020, at around 10 pm, the Courant remote access gateway,, will be rebooted, after which users will be required to use NYU's Multifactor Authentication (MFA) implementation to login to these servers and gain remote access to systems on the Courant network. Please be sure that you have tested your access to NYU Home in advance to confirm that you have MFA set up with current device information and ensure that remote access to Courant systems is not disrupted. Please see the NYU MFA instructions for more information on its set-up and use.
Following the transition, upon connecting to the server with your CIMS username and after entering your correct CIMS password, you will see the prompt that should be familiar from logging in to NYU Home, and you will need to choose between getting a push to a mobile device, a phone call or passcodes, just as you do when logging in to NYU Home (though for most, a default is set, so users have become accustomed to this part of the process being non-interactive).
For example, the fictitious Courant user, zyx, with NYU NetID zyx987, connecting from a Unix-based remote system, such as a MacBook, would see this:
-bash-4.2$ ssh
Duo two-factor login for zyx987
Enter a passcode or select one of the following options:
1. Duo Push to XXX-XXX-6789
2. Phone call to XXX-XXX-6789
3. Phone call to XXX-XXX-4321
4. SMS passcodes to XXX-XXX-6789 (next code starts with: 2)
Passcode or option (1-4): 1
Success. Logging you in...
The message "Duo two-factor login for zyx987" above appears after the account's correct password is entered. In the above case, the first option is chosen and the login is successful after the push is accepted on the user's phone.
We have tested MFA access from command line shells in Linux and macOS terminals and from PuTTY and WinSCP in Windows. If you have any questions about other client interfaces, please contact Also contact us if you ever get a push, a call, or SMS from Duo as described above that you did not initiate!
For those who use public key authentication, this method will continue to work as it does now after MFA is implemented. However, it will be disabled after the systems are rebooted and can be reenabled by the user after an initial MFA login. In addition, we will now require the use of a specific public key file called "authorized_keys_access" for public-key authentication to For security reasons we ask that you please use a passphrase for your public/private key pair for remote connections to You should continue to use the standard "authorized_keys" file for public-key authentication between Courant systems (that is, you might have two authorized_keys files in your .ssh directory: one for remote access, the other for internal use). Please see the instructions on how to set up public-key authentication for the access servers.
No other remotely accessed Courant services, such as mail or web servers, will be affected by this change. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we make this critical network securty upgrade.
Linux Reboots and Updates (March 2020)
Linux compute nodes and desktop machines will be rebooted on Thursday, March 5th for software and security updates. These updates will be applied to machines between 7:00 pm and midnight. In an effort to try and minimize any corrupted files or lost work, please save all your data and log out of any Linux systems before 7:00 pm.
The following is a list of machines that already have the updates, so you may test any critical packages or code beforehand:
The next scheduled Linux update is scheduled to take place on April 2nd. Please plan your usage accordingly. For more information about our computing resources and their maintenance, please see our computing resources page.
Linux Reboots and Updates (February 2020)
Linux compute nodes and desktop machines will be rebooted on Thursday, February 6th for software and security updates. These updates will be applied to machines between 7:00 pm and midnight. In an effort to try and minimize any corrupted files or lost work, please save all your data and log out of any Linux systems before 7:00 pm.
The following is a list of machines that already have the updates, so you may test any critical packages or code beforehand:
The next scheduled Linux update is scheduled to take place on March 5th. Please plan your usage accordingly. For more information about our computing resources and their maintenance, please see our computing resources page.
Linux Reboots and Updates (January 2020)
Linux compute nodes and desktop machines will be rebooted on Thursday, January 9th for software and security updates. These updates will be applied to machines between 7:00 pm and midnight. In an effort to try and minimize any corrupted files or lost work, please save all your data and log out of any Linux systems before 7:00 pm.
The next scheduled Linux update is scheduled to take place on February 6th. Please plan your usage accordingly. For more information about our computing resources and their maintenance, please see our computing resources page.
Linux reboots and updates
Linux compute nodes and desktop machines will be rebooted on Thursday, December 5th for software and security updates. These updates will be applied to machines between 7:00 pm and midnight. In an effort to try and minimize any corrupted files or lost work, please save all your data and log out of any Linux systems before 7:00 pm.
The following is a list of machines that already have the updates, so you may test any critical packages or code beforehand:
The next scheduled Linux update is scheduled to take place on January 9th. Please plan your usage accordingly. For more information about our computing resources and their maintenance, please see our computing resources page.
Linux reboots and updates
Linux compute nodes and desktop machines will be rebooted on Thursday, November 7th for software and security updates. These updates will be applied to machines between 7:00 pm and midnight. In an effort to try and minimize any corrupted files or lost work, please save all your data and log out of any Linux systems before 7:00 pm.
The following is a list of machines that already have the updates, so you may test any critical packages or code beforehand:
The next scheduled Linux update is scheduled to take place on Thursday, December 5th. Please plan your usage accordingly. For more information about our computing resources and their maintenance, please see our computing resources page.
Linux reboots and updates
Linux compute nodes and desktop machines will be rebooted on Thursday, October 10th for software and security updates. These updates will be applied to machines between 7:00 pm and midnight. In an effort to try and minimize any corrupted files or lost work, please save all your data and log out of any Linux systems before 7:00 pm.
The following is a list of machines that already have the updates, so you may test any critical packages or code beforehand:
The next scheduled Linux update is scheduled to take place on Thursday, November 7th. Please plan your usage accordingly. For more information about our computing resources and their maintenance, please see our computing resources page.
Linux reboots and updates
Linux compute nodes and desktop machines will be rebooted on Wednesday, August 14th for software and security updates. These updates will be applied to machines between 7:00 pm and midnight. In an effort to try and minimize any corrupted files or lost work, please save all your data and log out of any Linux systems before 7:00 pm.
The following is a list of machines that already have the updates, so you may test any critical packages or code beforehand:
The next scheduled Linux update is scheduled to take place on Thursday, October 10th. Please plan your usage accordingly. For more information about our computing resources and their maintenance, please see our computing resources page.
Linux reboots and updates
Linux compute nodes and desktop machines will be rebooted on Thursday, July 11th for software and security updates. These updates will be applied to machines between 7:00 pm and midnight. In an effort to try and minimize any corrupted files or lost work, please save all your data and log out of any Linux systems before 7:00 pm.
The following is a list of machines that already have the updates, so you may test any critical packages or code beforehand:
The next scheduled Linux update is scheduled to take place on Thursday, August 1st. Please plan your usage accordingly. For more information about our computing resources and their maintenance, please see our computing resources page.
Linux reboots and updates
Instead of the previouly announced update event taking place today, June 6th, Linux compute nodes and desktop machines will be rebooted on Thursday, June 13th for software and security updates. These updates will be applied to machines between 7:00 pm and midnight. In an effort to try and minimize any corrupted files or lost work, please save all your data and log out of any Linux systems before 7:00 pm.
The next scheduled Linux update is scheduled to take place on Thursday, July 11th. Please plan your usage accordingly. For more information about our computing resources and their maintenance, please see our computing resources page (
Linux reboots and updates
Linux compute nodes and desktop machines will be rebooted on Thursday, May 2nd for software and security updates. These updates will be applied to machines between 7:00 pm and midnight. In an effort to try and minimize any corrupted files or lost work, please save all your data and log out of any Linux systems before 7:00 pm.
The next scheduled Linux update is scheduled to take place on Thursday, June 6th. Please plan your usage accordingly. For more information about our computing resources and their maintenance, please see our computing resources page (