How can I use the Courant letterhead?

As of September 26th, 2014 we have released two new versions the Courant letterhead. There is a version in Microsoft Word (.doc) format, and a LaTeX version that can be used with the courantletterhead package available on Courant Linux systems. 

Here's an example of how to create a PDF with the LaTeX version on our Linux systems:

mkdir ~/latextest
cp /usr/local/share/texmf-local/doc/latex/sample-new.tex ~/latextest/
cd ~/latextest
vim sample-new.tex [modify this file to contain the desired information]
pdflatex sample-new.tex

We also have available a ZIP archive containing the files necessary for you to use the courantletterhead package on your personal computer with LaTeX installed. Please place them in your working directory in order for them to be found by the pdflatex command, or compile your document in the courant_letterhead directory itself.