#### Restricting access to users based on NYU NetID ####

Order deny,allow
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Authorized NYU users only!"
AuthBasicAuthoritative On
AuthBasicProvider ldap-nyu
require valid-user
satisfy all

#### Restricting based on CIMS account ####

# To restrict access to users with CIMS accounts by
# querying the CIMS ldap server

Order deny,allow
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Authorized NYU CIMS users only!"
AuthBasicAuthoritative On
AuthBasicProvider ldap-cims
require valid-user
satisfy all

#### Restricting based on CIMS groups ####

# To restrict access to users with CIMS accounts that
# are in a particular group by
# querying the CIMS ldap server

# Not available at this time

#### Restricting based on .htpasswd file ####

# You can password protect a web directory so that only a given
# set of users can access it.
# You'll need to create a .htpasswd file that is referred
# to in your .htaccess file. The .htpasswd should reside outside
# your web hierarchy for security reasons.
# To create and/or add users to your .htpasswd file use the
# /usr/bin/htpasswd command.
# note: set the permissions on .htpasswd as follows
# "chmod 604 .htpasswd"
# and make sure the permissions on "some-nonweb-dir" are set to 701
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /home/username/some-nonweb-dir/.htpasswd
AuthName "Members ONLY"
require valid-user

#### Restricting based on domains ####

# You can also restrict access to a web directory based on domains
deny from all
allow from .cs.nyu.edu .cims.nyu.edu .net.nyu.edu .med.nyu.edu .cat.nyu.edu
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Members ONLY"