Here is how to obtain the ethernet address or physical address of your PC or laptop.

To obtain the ethernet address of your Windows computer

  1. Click on ...
    • START
    • then, RUN
    • then, COMMAND
  2. Then in the DOS window, type "ipconfig /all" as per the text underlined in blue below.. The window will look something like this:

    c:\windows\Desktop> ipconfig /all
  3. Press <ENTER> and you will see the following information:

    a screen capture showing ipconfig command output
  4. The physical address of your PC or laptop is the information shown here as underlined in blue.

To obtain the ethernet address of your Mac 9 (OS X below)

  1. Go to the "apple menu" (on the upper left corner of the screen)
  2. Control Panel
  3. TCP/IP
  4. Click on Info and the hardware address of your Mac will be listed

To obtain the ethernet address of your Mac OS X

  1. Go to the "apple menu" (on the upper left corner of the screen)
  2. Click on System Preferences
  3. Click on Network
  4. Select "Built-in Ethernet" on the "Show" pull-down menu
  5. Click on the tab "Ethernet" where the "Ethernet ID" will be listed

To obtain the ethernet address of your Linux machine

  1. Use ifconfig command to get your ip address.
  2. Look under the eth0 group:
  3. HWaddr is your MAC address
  4. inet addr is your IP address

(Note: ifconfig may not be in your path, in that case try /sbin/ifconfig)