Our mission is to solidify and extend work done on recognizing and supporting mathematical talent for pre-collegiate students in New York City. Our objective is to identify talented students all over the city, from all backgrounds and support them with extracurricular math activities in after-school programs.
The Center engages students with mathematics to raise their general level of mathematical sophistication and develop mathematical talent by introducing mathematical topics with fun and engaging hands on activities, games, and short problems. Students get exposed to problem solving that is different from what is usually seen in the school classroom. The Center also develops new training materials for instructors. CMT’s signature curriculum is called “Finding Math” which consists of sets of activities that shows the surprising way one uses mathematics in much of our thinking.
Our broader mission is to provide support to many organizations that organizes activities to help in locating and nurturing mathematical talent from all neighborhoods. CMT aims to connect mathematically talented students all over the city – particularly those from underserved communities – with organizations that participate in math circles and competitions.
CMT is a center within the Courant Institute, New York University, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.