Instructor Training Workshops
In these instructor training workshops, we will engage in activities from the “Finding Math“ curriculum and discover the mathematics underlying various games and puzzles. In some cases, simple games will lead to and illuminate complex mathematical ideas, and in others understanding the underlying mathematics will enable you to master a game or puzzle and see it in a new light. “Finding Math” curriculum can be used for students in grades 4 through 8.
The Center has held several training sessions led by Phil Dituri, a math educator who helped create the “Finding Math” curriculum. If you would like to attend a workshop and become a “Finding Math” instructor, please contact us at
The training consists of three parts, each part is a day-long session, usually held on the weekends. Please keep in mind that the parts are not the same as different topics are discussed in each one of them. The trainings encompass the following games/activities:
- Part one
- One row nim, One-piece Chess, Two row nim, Magic Squares (introduction), The Fifteen Game
- DYCD - October 15th, 2016
- NYU - November 12th, 2016
- NYU - January 14th, 2017
- Part two
- Tic-Tac-Toe: The Deeper Meaning of a Simple Game, Magic Squares (Linear Algebra), Giotto, Gumdrop Polyhedra, Armenian linguistics
- DYCD - December 10th, 2016
- Part three
- DYCD - January 21st, 2017