CMT develops curricula that are used in several after-school programs, math circles and math camps in New York City. Our signature curriculum is called “Finding Math,” a set of activities that show the surprising ways we use mathematics in much of our thinking. Through inquiry and immersion, students are guided to engage in observing the world around them, while math finds them.
In this section, you can find some sample activities and lesson plans grouped by the level of difficulty. While many of these activities can be described as games, the point is not about learning how to win. Rather, the point is for the student to develop a strategy for himself or herself, and go through the steps of analyzing the game. One of the reasons we use games to teach mathematics is that they provide their own structure and motivation. Once the student comprehends the rules of the game, he/she wants to figure out how to win. The key here is student engagement. Given that the activities are selected for mathematical content, it is difficult to escape learning.
During the academic year, the Center provides instructor workshops to math circle facilitators to deliver this material in the after-school programs around the New York City public schools. (For now, only facilitated through NYC DYCD).