Upcoming Changes to Courant Identity and Authentication System in January 2025
In January, 2025, Courant will begin a phased migration to NYU's identity management system. Long-time users who currently use non-NetID user names to access Courant systems will have their user names changed to match their NYU NetIDs. This is scheduled to be done on the evening of January 6th, 2025.
Once these changes are made, the affected users, who have received email notifications to both their Courant and NYU email addresses, will simply need to use their NetIDs and current Courant passwords to login to Courant systems. Email forwarding from the old user name to new will be put in place to ensure that email delivery will not be interrupted. However, users will need to change the usernames in their incoming and outgoing mail client settings. Web URLs of the form ~USERNAME will similarly be "aliased" such that connections to web pages with the old user names will be redirected to the new user NetID usernames.
Please send mail to helpdesk@cims.nyu.edu if you have any trouble after these changes are put into effect.