Reference List of Frequently Used Account Chartfields
Important: Chartfields occasionally change. For a
up-to-date list of Chartfields, see the
FAME website
Description (in alphabetical order) | Account Chartfield |
Books & Periodicals | 63410 |
Computer hardware incl. shipping, $3000 or more2 | 62340 |
Computer hardware incl. shipping, less than $3000 | 62140 |
Computer network hardware incl. shipping, $3000 or more2 | 62345 |
Computer network hardware incl. shipping, less than $3000 | 62145 |
Courier Service | 63130 |
Dinner & Meeting Expense1 | 65182 |
Furniture & Equipment (Expendable)1 | 63275 |
Honorarium | 60120 |
Lab & Instrumental Supplies | 63210 |
Lab Equipment, $3000 or more2 | 62300 |
Lab Equipment, less than $3000 | 62100 |
Maintenance on Equipment | 64305 |
Office Equipment including install. & delivery, $3000 or more1&2 | 62310 |
Office Equipment, less than $30001 | 62110 |
Office Supplies1 | 63110 |
Postage1 | 63120 |
Professional Services (Consulting Fees) | 60455 |
Publication/Printing Costs (Reprographics, etc.) | 63109 |
Registration & Membership (e.g. Convention) | 65170 |
Software including shipping, $3000 or more2 | 62347 |
Software including shipping, less than $3000 | 62147 |
Subcontract, less than $25,000 | 60200 |
Subcontract, $25,000 or more | 60210 |
Telecom Services & Equipment (except long distance) | 65551 |
Telephone Calls (including long distance) | 65552 |
Travel, Consultant/Collaborator | 65530 |
Travel, Domestic (NYU employees) | 65510 |
Travel, Foreign | 65520 |
Travel, Trainee, Workshop Participant | 65540 |
If you are uncertain about which chartfield to use, contact an SPO or budget officer
- These expenses can NOT be charged to Federal research grants, except for special circumstances which must be approved in advance
- Codes for capital equipment (items more than $3000 and lasting more than a year) begin with the numbers "623" (e.g. 62300, 62340)