Intro to For loops


For the first section of this page, the original content was developed by Lisa Tagliaferri for released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShakeAlike 4.0 International Licence. The text of Lisa’s tutorial had been modified in a minor way by Todd Gureckis in a few sections. Todd added 40 different examples of for loops ranging from simple to more complex. This page is released under the license for this book

Using loops in computer programming allows us to automate and repeat similar tasks multiple times. This is very common in data analysis. In this tutorial, we’ll be covering Python’s for loop.

A for loop implements the repeated execution of code based on a loop counter or loop variable. This means that for loops are used most often when the number of repetitions is known before entering the loop, unlike while loops which can run until some condition is met.

For Loops

In Python, for loops are constructed like so:

for [iterating variable] in [sequence]:
    [do something]

The something that is being done (known as a code block) will be executed until the sequence is over. The code block itself can consist of any number of lines of code, as long as they are tabbed over once from the left hand side of the code.

Let’s look at a for loop that iterates through a range of values:

for i in range(0,5):

When we run this program, the output looks like this:

for i in range(0,5):

This for loop sets up i as its iterating variable, and the sequence exists in the range of 0 to 5.

Then within the loop we print out one integer per loop iteration. Keep in mind that in programming we tend to begin at index 0, so that is why although 5 numbers are printed out, they range from 0-4.

You’ll commonly see and use for loops when a program needs to repeat a block of code a number of times.

For Loops using range()

One of Python’s built-in immutable sequence types is range(). In loops, range() is used to control how many times the loop will be repeated.

When working with range(), you can pass between 1 and 3 integer arguments to it:

  • start states the integer value at which the sequence begins, if this is not included then start begins at 0

  • stop is always required and is the integer that is counted up to but not included

  • step sets how much to increase (or decrease in the case of negative numbers) the next iteration, if this is omitted then step defaults to 1

We’ll look at some examples of passing different arguments to range().

First, let’s only pass the stop argument, so that our sequence set up is range(stop):

for i in range(6):

In the program above, the stop argument is 6, so the code will iterate from 0-6 (exclusive of 6):

for i in range(6):

Next, we’ll look at range(start, stop), with values passed for when the iteration should start and for when it should stop:

for i in range(20,25):

Here, the range goes from 20 (inclusive) to 25 (exclusive), so the output looks like this:

for i in range(20,25):

The step argument of range() can be used to skip values within the sequence.

With all three arguments, step comes in the final position: range(start, stop, step). First, let’s use a step with a positive value:

for i in range(0,15,3):

In this case, the for loop is set up so that the numbers from 0 to 15 print out, but at a step of 3, so that only every third number is printed, like so:

for i in range(0,15,3):

We can also use a negative value for our step argument to iterate backwards, but we’ll have to adjust our start and stop arguments accordingly:

for i in range(100,0,-10):

Here, 100 is the start value, 0 is the stop value, and -10 is the range, so the loop begins at 100 and ends at 0, decreasing by 10 with each iteration. We can see this occur in the output:

for i in range(100,0,-10):

When programming in Python, for loops often make use of the range() sequence type as its parameters for iteration.

## For Loops using Sequential Data Types

Lists and other data sequence types can also be leveraged as iteration parameters in for loops. Rather than iterating through a range(), you can define a list and iterate through that list.

We’ll assign a list to a variable, and then iterate through the list:

sharks = ['hammerhead', 'great white', 'dogfish', 'frilled', 'bullhead', 'requiem']

for shark in sharks:

In this case, we are printing out each item in the list. Though we used the variable shark, we could have called the variable any other valid variable name and we would get the same output:

sharks = ['hammerhead', 'great white', 'dogfish', 'frilled', 'bullhead', 'requiem']

for shark in sharks:
great white

The output above shows that the for loop iterated through the list, and printed each item from the list per line.

Lists and other sequence-based data types like strings and tuples are common to use with loops because they are iterable. You can combine these data types with range() to add items to a list, for example:

sharks = ['hammerhead', 'great white', 'dogfish', 'frilled', 'bullhead', 'requiem']

for item in range(len(sharks)):

['hammerhead', 'great white', 'dogfish', 'frilled', 'bullhead', 'requiem', 'shark', 'shark', 'shark', 'shark', 'shark', 'shark']

Here, we have added a placeholder string of ‘shark’ for each item of the length of the sharks list.

You can also use a for loop to construct a list from scratch:

integers = []

for i in range(10):


In this example, the list integers is initialized as an empty list, but the for loop populates the list like so:

integers = []

for i in range(10):

[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

Similarly, we can iterate through strings:

sammy = 'Sammy'

for letter in sammy:

Iterating through tuples is done in the same format as iterating through lists or strings above.

When iterating through a dictionary, it’s important to keep the key:value structure in mind to ensure that you are calling the correct element of the dictionary. Here is an example that calls both the key and the value:

sammy_shark = {'name': 'Sammy', 'animal': 'shark', 'color': 'blue', 'location': 'ocean'}

for key in sammy_shark:
   print(key + ': ' + sammy_shark[key])
name: Sammy
animal: shark
color: blue
location: ocean

When using dictionaries with for loops, the iterating variable corresponds to the keys of the dictionary, and dictionary_variable[iterating_variable] corresponds to the values. In the case above, the iterating variable key was used to stand for key, and sammy_shark[key] was used to stand for the values.

Loops are often used to iterate and manipulate sequential data types.

Nested For Loops

Loops can be nested in Python, as they can with other programming languages.

A nested loop is a loop that occurs within another loop, structurally similar to nested if statements. These are constructed like so:

for [first iterating variable] in [outer loop]: # Outer loop
    [do something]  # Optional
    for [second iterating variable] in [nested loop]:   # Nested loop
        [do something]  

The program first encounters the outer loop, executing its first iteration. This first iteration triggers the inner, nested loop, which then runs to completion. Then the program returns back to the top of the outer loop, completing the second iteration and again triggering the nested loop. Again, the nested loop runs to completion, and the program returns back to the top of the outer loop until the sequence is complete or a break or other statement disrupts the process.

Let’s implement a nested for loop so we can take a closer look. In this example, the outer loop will iterate through a list of integers called num_list, and the inner loop will iterate through a list of strings called alpha_list.

num_list = [1, 2, 3]
alpha_list = ['a', 'b', 'c']

for number in num_list:
    for letter in alpha_list:

When we run this program, we’ll receive the following output:

num_list = [1, 2, 3]
alpha_list = ['a', 'b', 'c']

for number in num_list:
    for letter in alpha_list:

The output illustrates that the program completes the first iteration of the outer loop by printing 1, which then triggers completion of the inner loop, printing a,b, c consecutively. Once the inner loop has completed, the program returns to the top of the outer loop, prints 2, then again prints the inner loop in its entirety (a, b, c), etc.

Nested for loops can be useful for iterating through items within lists composed of lists. In a list composed of lists, if we employ just one for loop, the program will output each internal list as an item:

list_of_lists = [['hammerhead', 'great white', 'dogfish'],[0, 1, 2],[9.9, 8.8, 7.7]]

for list in list_of_lists:
['hammerhead', 'great white', 'dogfish']
[0, 1, 2]
[9.9, 8.8, 7.7]

In order to access each individual item of the internal lists, we’ll implement a nested for loop:

list_of_lists = [['hammerhead', 'great white', 'dogfish'],[0, 1, 2],[9.9, 8.8, 7.7]]

for list in list_of_lists:
    for item in list:
great white

When we utilize a nested for loop we are able to iterate over the individual items contained in the lists.


This tutorial went over how for loops work in Python and how to construct them. For loops continue to loop through a block of code provided a certain number of times.

40 Example For Loops

In the next section I will provide 40 for loops. Each for loop is a different example of using for loops in cases the often come up in python data analysis.

Simple For Loops

Keep a counter (i) of how many times the loop repeated

students = ['anna','alex','anselm','david','pam','zhiwei','ili','shannon','neil']
for i, student in enumerate(students):
    print(i, student)
0 anna
1 alex
2 anselm
3 david
4 pam
5 zhiwei
6 ili
7 shannon
8 neil

Do something 10 times (make a random number) and don’t use a named variable for iterator

This is kind of a python style thing. You can create a variable with a name just _ (underscore). Since you would probably never name a variable something like that anywhere else in the code it can be good in for loops were you mostly care about repeating the same code a bunch of times and not iterating down the values of a list.

import numpy as np

for _ in range(10):

Iterate down two lists at the same time

The zip command takes to lists and combines them element by element. The lists need to be the same length!

firstname = ['anna','alex','anselm','david','pam','zhiwei','ili','shannon','neil']
lastname = ['smith','johnson','alexander','baker','palmeri','zoubok','weng','foster','shields']
for person in zip(firstname, lastname):
('anna', 'smith')
('alex', 'johnson')
('anselm', 'alexander')
('david', 'baker')
('pam', 'palmeri')
('zhiwei', 'zoubok')
('ili', 'weng')
('shannon', 'foster')
('neil', 'shields')

Iterating the entries in a dictionary by the key

id_cards = {"123": "Anna", "d131": "Alex", "3f32": "Anselm"}
for key in id_cards.keys():
123 Anna
d131 Alex
3f32 Anselm

Iterating the values in a dictionary directly

for name in id_cards.values():

Keeping track of a result within a loop

All the examples so far have just repeated some simple block of code like printing something out. However, sometimes you want each iteration of the loop to compute something for you and store the result for further analysis. For example here we will square each number in a list and store it in a new list called results. Then we we plot the results.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
a = range(10)
results = []
for i in a:

[0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81]

For Loops Inside of For Loops (Nested)

Use the counter from the outer loop to change the inner loops

for _i in range(10):
    for _j in range(_i): # add as many columns as we have experienced rows
        print("* ", end='')
* * 
* * * 
* * * * 
* * * * * 
* * * * * * 
* * * * * * * 
* * * * * * * * 
* * * * * * * * * 

Three nested loops? Why not!?

The more outer loops make squares of growing sides

for _i in range(10):
    for _j in range(_i): # add as many columns as we have experienced rows
        for _k in range(_i):
            print("* ", end='')
* * 
* * 
* * * 
* * * 
* * * 
* * * * 
* * * * 
* * * * 
* * * * 
* * * * * 
* * * * * 
* * * * * 
* * * * * 
* * * * * 
* * * * * * 
* * * * * * 
* * * * * * 
* * * * * * 
* * * * * * 
* * * * * * 
* * * * * * * 
* * * * * * * 
* * * * * * * 
* * * * * * * 
* * * * * * * 
* * * * * * * 
* * * * * * * 
* * * * * * * * 
* * * * * * * * 
* * * * * * * * 
* * * * * * * * 
* * * * * * * * 
* * * * * * * * 
* * * * * * * * 
* * * * * * * * 
* * * * * * * * * 
* * * * * * * * * 
* * * * * * * * * 
* * * * * * * * * 
* * * * * * * * * 
* * * * * * * * * 
* * * * * * * * * 
* * * * * * * * * 
* * * * * * * * * 

For Loops and Numpy

This section looks at the use of for loops in the context of a couple of common numpy functions.

Using a nested loop to iterated over an array

If you have an array of arrays (sometimes called a matrix, although there is a specific matrix type in numpy), you might need to iterate over the elemnts:

x = np.array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]])
for _row in x:
    for _col in _row:
        print(_col,end=' ')
1 2 3 
4 5 6 

Interating over an array using indicies

Python is nice because you can iterate in a for loop directly over things in a collection like a list, dictionary or numpy array. However, sometimes you want to iterate by an index.

x = np.array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]])
rows, cols = x.shape
for i in range(rows):
    for j in range(cols):
        print(x[i][j],end=' ') # here we are looking up the value in the array using our indicies
1 2 3 
4 5 6 

For Loops and Pandas

This section looks at the use of for loops in the context of a couple of common pandas data munging operations. For these examples, I am loading a .csv file hosted on the class webpage on salary of professors that we encountered in a previous homework.

Iterating over columns

First let’s print out each of the columns in this data frame

import pandas as pd
salary_data = pd.read_csv('')
for col in salary_data.columns:

Iterating over rows

Dataframes have a couple of ways you can iterate over the rows. The best is the .iterrows() method available on any data frame which is a proper iterator similar to what you get using the enumerate() function we explored above. If you wanted to print out the entire data frame you can just delete the .head(n=3) part of the command (i.e., salary_data.iterrows().

import pandas as pd
salary_data = pd.read_csv('')
for index, row in salary_data.head(n=3).iterrows():
    print(index, row)
0 salary          86285
gender              0
departm           bio
years              26
age                64
publications       72
Name: 0, dtype: object
1 salary          77125
gender              0
departm           bio
years              28
age                58
publications       43
Name: 1, dtype: object
2 salary          71922
gender              0
departm           bio
years              10
age                38
publications       23
Name: 2, dtype: object

Iterating over groups

One of the most useful functions of pandas dataframes is the groupby operation which divides up a larger dataframe into smaller groups based on the value of one or more columns. This is ideal for psychological data analysis because you might want to divide up your data based on trial type, participant number, etc… After you form the groups it is often useful to iterate over the groups to do additional analyses.

import pandas as pd
salary_data = pd.read_csv('')

grouped = salary_data.groupby("departm")

for name, group in grouped:
    salary  gender departm  years   age  publications
0    86285       0     bio   26.0  64.0            72
1    77125       0     bio   28.0  58.0            43
2    71922       0     bio   10.0  38.0            23
3    70499       0     bio   16.0  46.0            64
4    66624       0     bio   11.0  41.0            23
5    64451       0     bio   23.0  60.0            44
6    64366       0     bio   23.0  53.0            22
7    59344       0     bio    5.0  40.0            11
8    58560       0     bio    8.0  38.0             8
9    58294       0     bio   20.0  50.0            12
10   56092       0     bio    2.0  40.0             4
11   54452       0     bio   13.0  43.0             7
12   54269       0     bio   26.0  56.0            12
13   55125       0     bio    8.0  38.0             9
68   59139       1     bio    8.0  38.0            23
69   52968       1     bio   18.0  48.0            32

    salary  gender departm  years   age  publications
14   97630       0    chem   34.0  64.0            43
15   82444       0    chem   31.0  61.0            42
16   76291       0    chem   29.0  65.0            33
17   75382       0    chem   26.0  56.0            39
18   64762       0    chem   25.0   NaN            29
19   62607       0    chem   20.0  45.0            34
20   60373       0    chem   26.0  56.0            43
21   58892       0    chem   18.0  48.0            21
22   47021       0    chem    4.0  34.0            12
23   44687       0    chem    4.0  34.0            19
70   55949       1    chem    4.0  34.0            12

    salary  gender departm  years   age  publications
24  104828       0    geol    NaN  50.0            44
25   71456       0    geol   11.0  41.0            32
26   65144       0    geol    7.0  37.0            12
27   52766       0    geol    4.0  38.0            32

    salary  gender departm  years   age  publications
62   82142       0    math    9.0  39.0             9
63   70509       0    math   23.0  53.0             7
64   60320       0    math   14.0  44.0             7
65   55814       0    math    8.0  38.0             6
66   53638       0    math    4.0  42.0             8
67   53517       2    math    5.0  35.0             5
75   61885       1    math   23.0  60.0             9
76   49542       1    math    3.0  33.0             5

    salary  gender departm  years   age  publications
28  112800       0   neuro   14.0  44.0            33
29  105761       0   neuro    9.0  39.0            30
30   92951       0   neuro   11.0  41.0            20
31   86621       0   neuro   19.0  49.0            10
32   85569       0   neuro   20.0  46.0            35
33   83896       0   neuro   10.0  40.0            22
34   79735       0   neuro   11.0  41.0            32
35   71518       0   neuro    7.0  37.0            34
36   68029       0   neuro   15.0  45.0            33
37   66482       0   neuro   14.0  44.0            42
38   61680       0   neuro   18.0  48.0            20
39   60455       0   neuro    8.0  38.0            49
40   58932       0   neuro   11.0  41.0            49
71   58893       1   neuro   10.0  35.0             4
72   53662       1   neuro    1.0  31.0             3

    salary  gender  departm  years   age  publications
54   96936       0  physics   15.0  50.0            17
55   83216       0  physics   11.0  37.0            19
56   72044       0  physics    2.0  32.0            16
57   64048       0  physics   23.0  53.0             4
58   58888       0  physics   26.0  56.0             7
59   58744       0  physics   20.0  50.0             9
60   55944       0  physics   21.0  51.0             8
61   54076       0  physics   19.0  49.0            12

    salary  gender departm  years   age  publications
41  106412       0    stat   23.0  53.0            29
42   86980       0    stat   23.0  53.0            42
43   78114       0    stat    8.0  38.0            24
44   74085       0    stat   11.0  41.0            33
45   72250       0    stat   26.0  56.0             9
46   69596       0    stat   20.0  50.0            18
47   65285       0    stat   20.0  50.0            15
48   62557       0    stat   28.0  58.0            14
49   61947       0    stat   22.0  58.0            17
50   58565       0    stat   29.0  59.0            11
51   58365       0    stat   18.0  48.0            21
52   53656       0    stat    2.0  32.0             4
53   51391       0    stat    5.0  35.0             8
73   57185       1    stat    9.0  39.0             7
74   52254       1    stat    2.0  32.0             9

Iterating over muliple groups

You can group not just on a single column but combinations of multiple combinations.

import pandas as pd
salary_data = pd.read_csv('')

grouped = salary_data.groupby(["departm","gender"])

for name, group in grouped:
('bio', 0)
    salary  gender departm  years   age  publications
0    86285       0     bio   26.0  64.0            72
1    77125       0     bio   28.0  58.0            43
2    71922       0     bio   10.0  38.0            23
3    70499       0     bio   16.0  46.0            64
4    66624       0     bio   11.0  41.0            23
5    64451       0     bio   23.0  60.0            44
6    64366       0     bio   23.0  53.0            22
7    59344       0     bio    5.0  40.0            11
8    58560       0     bio    8.0  38.0             8
9    58294       0     bio   20.0  50.0            12
10   56092       0     bio    2.0  40.0             4
11   54452       0     bio   13.0  43.0             7
12   54269       0     bio   26.0  56.0            12
13   55125       0     bio    8.0  38.0             9

('bio', 1)
    salary  gender departm  years   age  publications
68   59139       1     bio    8.0  38.0            23
69   52968       1     bio   18.0  48.0            32

('chem', 0)
    salary  gender departm  years   age  publications
14   97630       0    chem   34.0  64.0            43
15   82444       0    chem   31.0  61.0            42
16   76291       0    chem   29.0  65.0            33
17   75382       0    chem   26.0  56.0            39
18   64762       0    chem   25.0   NaN            29
19   62607       0    chem   20.0  45.0            34
20   60373       0    chem   26.0  56.0            43
21   58892       0    chem   18.0  48.0            21
22   47021       0    chem    4.0  34.0            12
23   44687       0    chem    4.0  34.0            19

('chem', 1)
    salary  gender departm  years   age  publications
70   55949       1    chem    4.0  34.0            12

('geol', 0)
    salary  gender departm  years   age  publications
24  104828       0    geol    NaN  50.0            44
25   71456       0    geol   11.0  41.0            32
26   65144       0    geol    7.0  37.0            12
27   52766       0    geol    4.0  38.0            32

('math', 0)
    salary  gender departm  years   age  publications
62   82142       0    math    9.0  39.0             9
63   70509       0    math   23.0  53.0             7
64   60320       0    math   14.0  44.0             7
65   55814       0    math    8.0  38.0             6
66   53638       0    math    4.0  42.0             8

('math', 1)
    salary  gender departm  years   age  publications
75   61885       1    math   23.0  60.0             9
76   49542       1    math    3.0  33.0             5

('math', 2)
    salary  gender departm  years   age  publications
67   53517       2    math    5.0  35.0             5

('neuro', 0)
    salary  gender departm  years   age  publications
28  112800       0   neuro   14.0  44.0            33
29  105761       0   neuro    9.0  39.0            30
30   92951       0   neuro   11.0  41.0            20
31   86621       0   neuro   19.0  49.0            10
32   85569       0   neuro   20.0  46.0            35
33   83896       0   neuro   10.0  40.0            22
34   79735       0   neuro   11.0  41.0            32
35   71518       0   neuro    7.0  37.0            34
36   68029       0   neuro   15.0  45.0            33
37   66482       0   neuro   14.0  44.0            42
38   61680       0   neuro   18.0  48.0            20
39   60455       0   neuro    8.0  38.0            49
40   58932       0   neuro   11.0  41.0            49

('neuro', 1)
    salary  gender departm  years   age  publications
71   58893       1   neuro   10.0  35.0             4
72   53662       1   neuro    1.0  31.0             3

('physics', 0)
    salary  gender  departm  years   age  publications
54   96936       0  physics   15.0  50.0            17
55   83216       0  physics   11.0  37.0            19
56   72044       0  physics    2.0  32.0            16
57   64048       0  physics   23.0  53.0             4
58   58888       0  physics   26.0  56.0             7
59   58744       0  physics   20.0  50.0             9
60   55944       0  physics   21.0  51.0             8
61   54076       0  physics   19.0  49.0            12

('stat', 0)
    salary  gender departm  years   age  publications
41  106412       0    stat   23.0  53.0            29
42   86980       0    stat   23.0  53.0            42
43   78114       0    stat    8.0  38.0            24
44   74085       0    stat   11.0  41.0            33
45   72250       0    stat   26.0  56.0             9
46   69596       0    stat   20.0  50.0            18
47   65285       0    stat   20.0  50.0            15
48   62557       0    stat   28.0  58.0            14
49   61947       0    stat   22.0  58.0            17
50   58565       0    stat   29.0  59.0            11
51   58365       0    stat   18.0  48.0            21
52   53656       0    stat    2.0  32.0             4
53   51391       0    stat    5.0  35.0             8

('stat', 1)
    salary  gender departm  years   age  publications
73   57185       1    stat    9.0  39.0             7
74   52254       1    stat    2.0  32.0             9

Reading in an entire directory of files

Sometimes you need to read in an process individual files in a folder. This code snippet for instance reads all the .csv files in a particular folder into a pandas dataframe and concatenates them.

import pandas as pd
data_path = './myfile/'
files = os.listdir(data_path)
frames = []
for data_file in files:
    if data_file[-3:] == 'csv':
        df = pd.read_csv(data_path+data_file)
alldata_df = pd.concat(frames)

For Loops and Seaborn

This section looks at the use of for loops in the context of plotting with seaborn.

Plotting to subpanels of a matplotlib figure with a for loop

fig,ax = plt.subplots(7,3,figsize=(12,24))
ax = ax.ravel()
for i,s in enumerate(subs):

For Loops and Matplotlib