After you send the information about the ethernet address or physical address of your PC or laptop, you will receive information for your PC or laptop. Here is how to configure your computer

Configurations for:

Using Windows 2000/XP

Note: You must be logged in as Administrator to do this.

  1. Start
  2. Settings
  3. Network and Dial-Up Connections
  4. Network Identification
  5. Properties
  6. Computer name

Then verify that you are using DHCP as follows, still within the Network tasks:

  1. Right-click on the "Local Area Connection" icon
  2. Properties
  3. Select "Internet Protocol: TCP/IP"
  4. Properties
  5. Select "Obtain an IP address automatically"
  6. click OK twice as prompted
  7. select "Yes" to restart the PC


Configuring Mac OS 8/9

  1. Open the TCP/IP control panel
  2. Select Configurations under the File menu
  3. Create a new configuration( select an existing configuration and click Duplicate ). Make this new configuration the active one.
  4. In the Connect via pull down menu, choose Ethernet
  5. In the Configure pull down menu, choose Using DHCP Server
  6. Under DHCP Client ID, type in the network name that was e-mailed to you per your request
  7. Close and save if prompted.

Configuring Mac OS X

  1. Open the System Preferences and select Network
  2. In the Location pull-down menu, select New Location
  3. Once you're in this new location, select Active Network Ports from the Show pull-down menu.
  4. Turn off all connection types except for Built-in Ethernet. Then select Built-in Ethernet from the Show pull-down menu.
  5. Using the TCP/IP tab, select Using DHCP from the Configure pull-down menu.
  6. Under DHCP Client ID, type in the network name that was e-mailed to you per your request
  7. Click Apply Now and Quit the System Preferences