Faculty Profile

Esteban G. Tabak
Professor of Mathematics
Warren Weaver Hall, Office 1017
Ph.D., Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, 1992.
Hydraulic Engineer, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1988.
Research Interests
I work in various areas of applied mathematics, including Fluid Dynamics, Data Science and Optimization. My recent work in fluid dynamics has been mostly concerned with the physical and numerical modeling of large-scale flows applied to understanding the dynamics of the Atmosphere and the Ocean. In data science, I have developed new tools in density estimation and optimal transport and applied them to general problems in classification, regression, clustering and time-series analysis. In optimization, I have developed a new general methodology to solve constrained optimization problems, both continuous and discrete, through a dynamical two-person game with evolving strategies represented by the primal and dual variables.
Selected Publications
P.A. Milewski and E.G. Tabak,
"The diurnal cycle and the meridional extent of the tropics",
Physica D
240, 233-240 (2011)
P.M. Laurence, R.J. Pignol, and E.G. Tabak,
"Constrained Density Estimation",
Proceedings of the 2011 Wolfgang Pauli Institute conference on energy and commodity trading
(Springer Verlag, 2011)