Faculty Profile

Daniel Stein
Professor of Physics and Mathematics
Warren Weaver Hall, Office 811
Ph.D., Physics, Princeton University, USA, 1979.
M.S., Physics, Princeton University, USA, 1977.
B.Sc., Physics, Brown University, USA, 1975.
Research Interests
My research is in the fields of theoretical condensed matter physics and statistical mechanics. It focuses primarily on randomness and disorder in condensed matter systems, with an emphasis on magnetic materials and on stochastic processes leading to rare nucleation events.
Selected Publications
J. Ye, J. Machta, C.M. Newman, and D.L. Stein,
"Nature vs. Nurture: Predictability in Zero-Temperature Ising Dynamics",
Physical Review E
88, 040101 (2013)
L.-P. Arguin, C.M. Newman, D.L. Stein, and J. Wehr,
"Fluctuation Bounds For Interface Free Energies in Spin Glasses",
Journal of Statistical Physics
D.L. Stein and C.M. Newman,
Spin Glasses and Complexity
(Princeton University Press, 2013)