Faculty Profile

Dimitris Giannakis
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Warren Weaver Hall, Office 910
Ph.D., Physics, University of Chicago, USA, 2009.
M.Phil., Technology Policy, University of Cambridge, UK, 2003.
B.A/M.S., Natural Sciences, University of Cambridge, UK, 2001.
Research Interests
My current research interests are in applied mathematics for climate atmosphere ocean science. I am currently working on methods for spatiotemporal decomposition of large-scale data from climate models and observations combining ideas from machine learning and dynamical systems theory. This work has applications in the detection and forecasting of climate patterns on seasonal to interannual timescales. In the past I have worked on spectral methods for free-surface magnetohydrodynamics.
Selected Publications
D. Giannakis and A.J. Majda,
"Nonlinear Laplacian spectral analysis for time series with intermittency and low-frequency variability",
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
109, no. 7, 2222, DOI:10.1073/pnas.1118984109 (2012)
D. Giannakis and A.J. Majda, and I. Horenko,
"Information theory, model error, and predictive skill of stochastic models for complex nonlinear systems",
Physica D
241, 1735-1752, DOI:j.physd.2012.07.005 (2012)
D. Giannakis, P.F. Fischer, and R. Rosner,
"A spectral Galerkin method for the coupled Orr-Sommerfeld and induction equations for free-surface MHD",
Journal of Computational Physics
228, no. 4, 1188, DOI:10.1016/j.jcp.2008.10.016 (2009)