Mariya Savinov

Journal Club

Undergraduate Mathematical Modeling (MATH-UA 251)

In fall of 2023, I am the teaching assistant for Professor Aaditya Rangan's mathematical modeling course. This course focuses on the formulation and analysis of mathematical models for problems in biology, physics, economics, etc., covering topics such as linearization and phase plane analysis of ODEs, numerical solutions of ODEs, conservative systems, oscillators, stochastic processes, etc. at the undergraduate level. My lecture notes can be found here.
Graduate Numerical Methods II - Numerical Methods for ODEs and PDEs
(MATH-GA 2020)

In spring of 2023, I was the graduate course assistant and grader for Professor Aleksandar Donev's course: MATH-GA 2020: Graduate Numerical Methods II. As part of this course, I assisted in the creation of an example suite of ODE solvers with object-oriented design (in MATLAB, Python, and Fortran), which can be found here. I also taught a 2hr lecture on 2/28 on the topic of Absolute Stability and Stiffness

Undergraduate Numerical Analysis

In spring of 2023, I gave two 1hr15min lectures introducing numerical methods for ODEs for Dr. Samuel Potter's undergraduate course: MATH-UA 252: Numerical Analysis. My lecture notes can be found here.