Computational Mathematics and Scientific Computing Seminar

The Computational Mathematics and Scientific Computing seminar will be in person in WWH 1302 at the usual time on Fridays at 10am unless otherwise noted. In rare cases we have zoom talks and then the zoom link to join the seminar will be sent to the seminar mailing list. Contact the organizers Georg Stadler and Benjamin Peherstorfer if you haven't received the Zoom link. 

To subscribe to the CMSC seminar mailing list, please go to this link: You must then sign into a Google account (either your account, or a generic Google account). Then, click "Apply for Membership." If you would like to be added without a Google account, please send an email with subject 'subscribe CMSC' to the organizers.

Seminar Organizer(s): Georg Stadler and Benjamin Peherstorfer

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