Teaching Robots to Navigate, Grasp, and Dance

Speaker: Catie Cuan, Ken Goldberg

Location: 370 Jay Street, Room 1013

Date: Monday, December 18, 2023

A researcher, entrepreneur, and artist, Dr. Catie Cuan is a pioneer in the nascent field of ‘choreorobotics’ and works at the intersection of artificial intelligence, human-robot interaction, and art. She is currently a Postdoc in Computer Science at Stanford University. Catie recently defended her PhD in robotics and AI via the Mechanical Engineering department at Stanford. Her PhD was funded by the National Institutes of Health, Google, and Stanford University. During her PhD, she led the first multi-robot machine learning project at Everyday Robots (Google X) and Robotics at Google (now a part of Google Deepmind). She has held artistic residencies at the Smithsonian, the Exploratorium, Jacob’s Pillow Dance Festival, Everyday Robots (Google X), TED, and ThoughtWorks Arts. www.catiecuan.com

Ken Goldberg is William S. Floyd Jr Distinguished Chair in Engineering at UC Berkeley with appointments in IEOR, EECS, and Art Practice. He is co-founder and Chief Scientist of Ambi Robotics and Jacobi Robotics. He co-founded the Berkeley AI Research (BAIR) Lab and the IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering. As Director of UC Berkeley’s AUTOLab, Ken and his students have published 400 peer-reviewed papers and 10 US patents. Ken's artwork has been exhibited internationally and in the 2000 Whitney Bienniel. He founded the Art, Technology, and Culture public lecture series in 1997 and has presented over 600 invited lectures worldwide: http://goldberg.berkeley.edu