Data donation systems for platform researchEngineering Intelligent Physical Human-Robot Interactions

Speaker: Keya Rajesh Ghonasgi

Location: 370 Jay Street, Room 825

Date: Monday, March 27, 2023

Technology for human use capitalizes on our ability to learn from interactions with the environment. Robotics technology has advanced significantly in the past few decades making physical human-robot interaction (HRI) a safe and promising new mode through which humans can learn and act upon their environment. At the same time, advances in artificial intelligence (AI) have provided us with frameworks for how robotic devices can control their behavior at a high level. As a result, we can now harness both human learning and robot learning abilities to engineer meaningful physical interactions that go beyond conventional technological solutions. In this talk, I will explore how physical HRI can be interpreted through the lens of neuroscience and translated into engineering solutions that can intelligently affect the human-robot system's behavior. I begin with a deep dive into human-exoskeleton interaction for motor training protocols using a curriculum learning-based approach. In particular, I will address the challenges in human data interpretation, exoskeleton control, and curriculum design. Additionally, I will examine how the fields of engineering design, AI, and neuroscience can be simultaneously leveraged to engineer effective physical interactions across a variety of potential HRI applications.