RAI Rockstar Seminar: Towards AI-Powered Data-Informed Educational Platforms

Speaker: Dr. Sihem Amer-Yahia

Location: 60 Fifth Avenue, Room 7th Floor Open Space

Date: Tuesday, November 8, 2022

The Covid-19 health crisis has seen an increase in the use of digital work platforms from videoconferencing systems to MOOC-type educational platforms and crowdsourcing and freelancing marketplaces. These levers for sharing knowledge and learning constitute the premises of the future of work. Educational technologies coupled with AI hold the promise of helping learners and teachers. However, they are still limited in terms of social interactions, user experience and learning opportunities as they must address a tension between learner-centered and platform-centered approaches. I will describe research at the intersection of data-informed recommendations and education theory and conclude with ethical considerations in building educational platforms.