CS Colloquium: Optimal Parallel Optimization Algorithms for Machine Learning

Speaker: Blake Woodworth

Location: 60 Fifth Avenue, Room 150
Videoconference link: https://nyu.zoom.us/j/94032513470

Date: Monday, April 4, 2022

A key factor in the recent success of machine learning has been the use
of very large models and huge quantities of data. This has raised
computational challenges and it demands leveraging distributed
optimization algorithms to make training possible. But which parallel
algorithms should we use? In this talk, I will identify optimal
distributed optimization algorithms in several natural settings, and I
will propose directions that may allow us to find new, "better than
optimal" methods. I will also highlight some of my other research
interests at the intersection of optimization and machine learning,
including efforts to understand how highly overparametrized models like
deep neural networks manage to generalize so well.