Natural Language Processing
- Courant Institute: Kyunghyun Cho, Eunsol Choi, Ralph Grishman, He He, Adam Meyers, Michael Picheny;
- Faculty of Arts and Science: Samuel Bowman, Brenden Lake, Tal Linzen;
- Center for Data Science: Samuel Bowman, Kyunghyun Cho, Eunsol Choi, He He, Brenden Lake, Tal Linzen, Michael Picheny;
Computational Intelligence, Learning, Vision, and Robotics (CILVR)
The CILVR Lab (Computational Intelligence, Learning, Vision, and Robotics) regroups faculty members, research scientists, postdocs, and students working on AI, machine learning, and a wide variety of applications, notably computer perception, natural language understanding, robotics, and healthcare.
Machine Learning for Language
The Machine Learning for Language (ML²) group is a team of researchers at New York University working on developing and applying state-of-the-art machine learning methods for natural language processing (NLP), with a special focus on artificial neural network models. ML² is affiliated with the larger CILVR lab.
Proteus Project
Members of the Proteus Project have been doing Natural Language Processing (NLP) research at New York University since the 1960's. Our long-term goal is to build systems that automatically find the information you're looking for, pick out the most useful bits, and present it in your preferred language, at the right level of detail. One of our main challenges is to endow computers with linguistic knowledge. The kinds of knowledge that we have attempted to encode include vocabularies, morphology, syntax, semantics, genre variation, and translational equivalence.