- Ph.D. Candidate
- Geometric Computing Lab
- Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
- New York University
- 60 5th Ave, Office 550
- New York, NY 10011
I am a 5th year Ph.D. student at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University. I am a member of the Geometric Computing Lab where I work with Professor Daniele Panozzo and Denis Zorin. My research focuses on physics simulations in Computer Graphics and optimization problems based on simulations. I received my Bachelor's degree in Applied Mathematics at University of Science and Technology of China in 2020.

Our paper Optimized shock-protecting microstructures is accepted by ACM Transaction on Graphics and will be presented at Siggraph Asia 2024 in Tokyo on Dec. 3rd!
Our paper Differentiable solver for time-dependent deformation problems with contact is accepted by ACM Transaction on Graphics and will be presented at Siggraph 2024 in Denver on Aug. 1st!
Our paper Cut-Cell Microstructures for Two-scale Structural Optimization is accepted and will be presented at SGP 2024 at MIT!
I'm joining the Avatar team at Roblox for a Research internship this summer!
I'm joining the simulation team at NTop for a summer internship today!
I started Ph.D. in Computer Science at New York University.
I received my Bachelor's degree in Applied Mathematics at University of Science and Technology of China.
Honors Analysis of Algorithms, 2022
Computer Graphics, 2021
Multivariate Calculus, 2018