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public final class DecisionTrigger
extends Object
implements Action

Constructor Index

 o DecisionTrigger(String[], PropertyReference, float, boolean, float, Sequence)

Method Index

 o doAction()
Perform the Decision, and trigger a Behavior.
 o doAction(double)
Perform the Decision, and trigger a Behavior.
 o getType()


 o DecisionTrigger
 public DecisionTrigger(String behaviorNames[],
                        PropertyReference propertyReference,
                        float duration,
                        boolean momentary,
                        float time,
                        Sequence sequence)
behaviorNames - an array of names of behaviors to choose from.
propertyReference - the PropertyReference used to rate the behaviors
duration - the temporary duration of the behavior. If -1 then don't override behavior's duration.
momentary - the temporary momentary behavior. If the behavior is already momentary, don't override.
sequence - the sequence calling this action


 o doAction
 public void doAction(double time)
Perform the Decision, and trigger a Behavior.

time - the trigger time of the action. If -1 execute immediately.
 o doAction
 public void doAction()
Perform the Decision, and trigger a Behavior.

 o getType
 public String getType()

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