CSCI-UA 480 (Algorithmic Problem Solving)


Competitive Programming, 3rd edition,
Steven Halim, Felix Halim,
Programming challenges : the programming contest training manual
Steven S. Skiena, Miguel A Revilla,
accessible through NYU Libraries
Guide to competitive programming : learning and improving algorithms through contests,
Antti Laaksonen,
accessible through NYU Libraries
Principles of Algorithmic Problem Solving,
Johan Sannemo,
preliminary draft of the book, available through the author's site
Algorithmic problem solving, 2011
Roland C. Backhouse,
accessible through NYU Librarires

Useful Resources


Topics Covered (exact list of topics will depend on how quickly or slowly we will go through the material)

For detailed schedule, see the Daily tab of this page.


Your course grade will be based on:

The letter grades will be determined using the following scale:

    A   95-100
    A-  90-95
    B+  87-90
    B   83-87
    B-  80-83
    C+  76-80
    C   72-76
    D   65-72
    F   less than 65

The grade of Incomplete is reserved for students who, for legitimate and documented reason, miss the final exam. The grade of Incomplete will not be given to student who started falling behind in class. Those students should withdraw from the class or switch to Pass/Fail option.


There will be a midterm and a final exam. All exams are cumulative, timed and synchronous.

Missing an exam: There will be no make-up exams. Failure to take an exam counts as a zero grade on that exam. The only exception to this rule is for students who have a legitimate medical or personal emergency (documented). These students need to talk to the instructor as soon as possible (trying to excuse an exam absence a week after it happened will not work).

Homework / Weekly Problem Sets

Each week you will have a problem set to solve (4-5 problems of varying difficulty). Each problem set is weighted equally.

Online Contests

Throughout the semester we will let you know about various online contests. You need to participate in one or more and submit passing solutions to four different problems (in a single contest or in multiple ones).

Problem presentation

Once during the semester you will need to make a presentation of a problem and its solution. The details of this will be discussed at the start of the semester.


You are expected to actively participate during the lectures, recitations and on the discussion forum.

Academic Integrity Policy

This course follows the university and departmental policies on academic integrity:

Our main philosophy is that you need to be honest and fair to yourself, other students in the class and the instructional stuff.

We know that interactions with your classmates can facilitate deeper understanding of the subjects and provide invaluable lessons. But to benefit from those lessons you need to be a participant in the team and not just a taker.

All your work that is submitted for grading in this class has to be your own, unless otherwise specified. You need to acknowledge any help that you receive on the assignments in your submissions.

Here are examples of fair and not fair actions that a student may take. This is not an exhaustive list and should serve as examples of behaviors rather than a complete definition.

Fair Actions

Not Fair Actions

Academic Email Etiquette