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Worksheet 8: Magnetic Field of a Ring

In this worksheet you will use Mathematica and Fortran to calculate the magnetostatic field of a current-carrying ring by numerically integrating the Bio-Savart law. You will need to do the bulk of the calculation in both Mathematica and Fortran, and you will have two weeks to complete this worksheet. There will be no new Fortran material in this worksheet, and as usual Mathematica's on-line help will be enough. Make sure you review basic magnetostatics, in particular Bio-Savart's law for the magnetic field of a current-carrying wire.

Problem Formulation

Consider current I flowing in a circular ring of radius R=1 unit. Also assume that $K=\frac{\mu I}{4\pi }=1$ in these units. Choose the ring so that it is centered at (0,0,0), and that it lies in the xy plane. Use the Biot-Savart law to find the magnetic field due to this current ring at an arbitrary point (x,0,z) in the xz plane (i.e. a plane perpendicular to the plane of the ring). Note that this gives the field at any point since there is cylindrical symmetry about the z axis. A few reminders: The contribution from a small directed element of length $d\vec{l}$ of a wire carrying a current I to the magnetic field at a point $\vec{r}$ is given by Bio-Savart's law:

 \begin{displaymath}d\vec{B}=\frac{\mu I}{4\pi }\frac{d\vec{l}\times \vec{r}}{r^{3}}
\end{displaymath} (1)

Thus, to find the total magnetic field at a given point $\vec{r}%
_{point}=(x,0,z)$ caused by a current-carrying ring, one needs to integrate the expression in equation [*] (separately for each component, of course) over elements of the ring at position $\vec{r}_{ring}$, $\vec{r}=%
\vec{r}_{point}-\vec{r}_{ring}$ (draw a figure to help you understand this). For a unit-radius ring in the xy plane, we can take the integration to be over the polar angle $\theta $, so that $\vec{r}_{ring}=\left( \cos \theta
,\sin \theta ,0\right) $. Also, for such a ring, $d\vec{l}=\left( \hat{z}%
\times \vec{r}_{ring}\right) d\theta $, where $\hat{z}$ is the unit vector in the z direction (i.e. perpendicular to the plane of the ring). Now you have all the expressions you need to write down (in a few lines using Mathematica--read next section if you wish) an expression giving $d\vec{B}$ from the element of wire at a polar angle $\theta $. This should have the form $d\vec{B}=\vec{B}_{\theta }\cdot d\theta $. Show your expression for $\vec{B}_{\theta }$ to your professor or TA before working on the rest of this worksheet. Then, the total magnetic field at the point $\vec{r}_{point}$ is simply the integral:

 \begin{displaymath}\vec{B}=\int_{\theta =0}^{2\pi }\vec{B}_{\theta }\cdot d\theta
\end{displaymath} (2)

Mathematica Solution

Using the above expressions and the cross-product function Cross find the expression for $\vec{B}_{\theta }$ as a function of x, z and $%
\theta $. Then, using the function Integrate, integrate this expression component-by-component over $\theta =\left[ 0,2\pi \right] $ to obtain the expression for $\vec{B}$. These integrals are so called elliptic integrals and Mathematica can evaluate them. Choose a sample point, for example x=0.3 and z=0.6, and evaluate the magnetic field at that point. In many cases an exact integral can not be found and one would then use numerical integration (NIntegrate). Try this and see if you get the same result as above. Which result had higher precision? Which do you think was evaluated faster? Now you can also plot the magnetic field of this ring in the xz plane as a vector field. This should be a single line in Mathematica.

Fortran Solution

Trapezoid-Rule for Numerical Integration

It was purely fortunate (due to the relatively simple geometry) that the integrals above could be evaluated analytically. In most cases this has do be done numerically. Fortran libraries by far surpass Mathematica in speed when it comes to such numerical manipulations, but they are not nearly as easy to use. Before we attack the integration problem in eq. [*], we need to generalize it to a standard problem that can be applied to a variety of problems and that is well studied in numerical analysis,

\end{displaymath} (3)

where f(x) is more-or-less a well behaved function of x in [a,b]. There are many so-called quadrature formulae for numerically calculating I, such as Newton-Cotes, Gauss and Romberg quadrature. A nice desktop reference for these and many other numerical algorithms is ``Numerical Recipies in FORTRAN 77 and Fortran 90'', found at, for example, The simplest, yet robust, quadrature is the trapezoid-rule integration. It starts by splitting the interval [a,b] into N intervals of equal length $h=\frac{\left\vert a-b\right\vert }{N}$ with positions xi=a+ih , 0<i<N. Then it is true that,

 \begin{displaymath}\int_{a}^{b}f(x)dx\approx h\sum_{i=1}^{N-1}f(x_{i})+\frac{h}{2}[f(a)+f(b)%
\end{displaymath} (4)

where O(h2) denotes error of order h2. It is easy to see that it is not at all difficult to code [*] in Fortran. Write a function, say Trapezoid, that integrates a given function f(x) on [a,b]. We've had examples of passing procedures as arguments to procedures in the graphics routines, and although this is not in the manual, it's not hard to understand. All one needs to do is provide an interface for the procedure:

   FUNCTION Trapezoid(f,a,b,N) RESULT(I)
         FUNCTION f(x) RESULT(f_x) ! Function to be integrated
           REAL, INTENT(IN) :: x
           REAL :: f_x
         END FUNCTION f                  
      END INTERFACE       
      REAL, INTENT(IN) :: a,b ! The bounds
      ...Calculate I here using trapezoid rule using f and a DO loop...
   END FUNCTION Trapezoid
Test this procedure on some simple example you already know the analytical answer for. Next we describe a ready-made quadrature library. You don't have to use it, but it isn't much different from using Trapezoid.

Advanced: Module Numerical_Integration

As usual, we made a simple wrapper routine for numerical integration, AdaptiveIntegral, which in turn calls a ready-made adaptive quadrature Fortran library taken from Adam Miller's Fortran 90 website. The function is in the module Numerical_Integration, which is in our class directory and you must USE in your program. This function accepts a user function f to be integrated in a given finite range [a,b] and returns the integral to within the desired relative or absolute precisions relative_error and absolute_error (these are both optional, so you don't need to specify them). An estimate of the error in the result is returned in the argument error_estimate, and the function also returns an error signal if the integration failed (this is placed in the module variable error_flag and you need not worry about it) The interface to this function and the module variables are given here:

module Numerical_Integration
  use Precision, only: wp ! wp=dp in the module Precision
  use Adapt_Quad ! Read-made library
  public :: AdaptiveIntegral ! The main routine
  integer, save, public :: error_flag=0 ! An error flag (0 is success)
  function AdaptiveIntegral(f,a,b,error_estimate, &
                            relative_error,absolute_error) &
    ! f is the function we want to integrate:
      function f(x) result(f_x)
        use Precision, only: wp
        real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: x
        real(kind=wp) :: f_x
      end function f
    end interface 
    real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: a,b ! The interval of integration
    real(kind=wp), intent(out) :: error_estimate ! Estimate of error
    ! The desired errors (they are optional):
    real(kind=wp), intent(in), optional :: relative_error,absolute_error 
    real(kind=wp) :: integral ! The result of the integration
  end function AdaptiveIntegral  
end module Numerical_Integration
It is important to point that in the module Precision it is defined that wp=dp, so you need to use double precision in your main program as well (this library only came in double precision). There will be no examples given of how to call this routine. You should be able to read the above specifications and call this function without any problems.

The Module B_theta

Just like the plotting routines in the FunGraphics module, the above integration routine needs to be supplied with a user function to integrate. In our case, this function will be related to $\vec{B}_{\theta }$ , since this is the integrand we need to integrate. Use the expression that Mathematica gave you for $\vec{B}_{\theta }$ to write two functions, say dBx and dBy, that have the same interface as the function f in the routine AdaptiveIntegral (see above) and return the x and z components of $\vec{B}_{\theta }$ respectively. These will accept $\theta $ as an input argument (why?), but will need to know the values of x and z. By placing the routines in a module, say B_theta, and making x and z global public variables in this module, the main program can set these values (say the user enters them) before calling the routine AdaptiveIntegral, and all should work well. Re-read the description of this methodology given in the last worksheet so you understand how it works. Now compile and run your program and evaluate the magnetic field at the same point as you did in your Mathematica worksheet. Compare the two results.

Plotting the Magnetic Field in Fortran

Once you make the above work, if you have time and will, you can plot the magnetic field from within Fortran using the FunContourPlot2D routine from the last worksheet. If you want some Fortran challenge, do this and we will help you. One thing to carry in mind is that the plotting routines accept only single precision arguments, while the integration routines above accept only double precision variables. So you need to be more careful this time than the usual REAL(KIND=wp) in all declarations. You will get extra credit applied toward your final exam if you do this!

Compiling the Program

As usual, the ready-made files are in our class directory. Before you compile your code, execute:

#   source /classes/phy201/Integration.init
and then append a $ADQDvf90 (stands for adaptive quadrature with VAST f90) to every compilation line. If you use the graphics modules as well source the file SimpleGraphics.init as well and append a $DISLINvf90 as well.
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Aleksandar Donev