Optimization-based Data AnalysisInstructor: Carlos Fernandez-Granda (cfgranda@cims.nyu.edu) This course covers data-analysis methods that exploit low-dimensional structure, captured by sparse or low-rank models, to extract information from data using optimization. Announcements
General InformationPrerequisitesLinear algebra and probability. Some programming skills and some exposure to statistics, machine learning and/or optimization are desirable. LectureMonday 1:25-3:15 pm, CIWW 517 Office hoursBy appointment via email. You are required to schedule at least two appointments to discuss the project. Grading policyHomework (40%) + Project proposal (10%) + Project (50%) BooksWe will provide self-contained notes. In addition, the book Statistical Learning with Sparsity The Lasso and Generalizations by Hastie, Tibshirani and Wainwright has been placed on reserve in the library. It is also available online. Additional references are listed in the schedule. Other coursesProfessor Overton is offering the course Convex and Nonsmooth Optimization this semester. I recommend that you take it. The contents of the two courses are very complementary. |