Math Competitions

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Like a good number of people at CMU, I've dabbled quite a bit in math competitions like the AMC. I have a lot to say about my math competition experience, but this website is too small to contain it. The short version is that I first made AIME in 10th grade. My goal was to make USAMO by 11th grade, in time for college applications, but this typically is not a very feasible jump to make within one year. So, I proceeded to essentially throw my entire life at math competitions by doing literally everything I possibly could to prepare and spending every waking moment of my life on math. It worked: In 2018, I qualified for the USAMO, making it over the cutoff by half a point.

I've also participated in the Putnam competition. I was a 2021 Putnam Honorable mention with a score of 44, earning me 77th place out of 2000+ competitors.

Anyways, while I don't really do high school math competitions anymore (obviously), I still lurk around the AoPS forums and I enjoy making problems for these math competitions. Here are the problems I've proposed.

More things I've made:

I'm also currently serving as a grader for the USAMTS, a proof-based math competition sponsored by the NSA that is free for all. It's a wonderful opportunity for high school students to get acquainted with wrting proofs, and I'm truly proud to be a part of it. You can check out for past problems and more information.