Volume 5 (2009)
Article 7 pp. 135-140
A Simple Proof of Toda's Theorem
Received: January 21, 2009
Published: July 3, 2009
Published: July 3, 2009
Keywords: Toda's Theorem, relativization
ACM Classification: F.1.3
AMS Classification: 68Q15
Abstract: [Plain Text Version]
\newcommand{\sharpP}{\mathrm{\# P}}
Toda in his celebrated paper showed that the polynomial-time hierarchy is contained in $\P^\sharpP$. We give a short and simple proof of the first half of Toda's Theorem that the polynomial-time hierarchy is contained in $\BPP^\parityP$. Our proof uses easy consequences of relativizable proofs of results that predate Toda.
For completeness we also include a proof of the second half of Toda's Theorem.