Setting up your website to post assignments for this class:

Students in this class generally fall into three categories:

Only those falling into the last category should have received an email from CIMS.

If you are unsure which category you fall into, you can follow the password reset link:
You will need to create your website under /web// or "public_html" on the CIMS systems, and then your main webpage folder will appear as<net_id>.

For more info about that, you can also refer to THIS PAGE

Once you have your CIMS website set up, then to post assignments you should set up a subdirectory of your main website. Name this subdirectory "graphics". It should have a main "index.html" file, and that file should link to the various homework assignments.

Sometime in the next few days you will receive an email with the grader's email address. Once you receive that email, you can email to the grader the URL of your class website (you will only need to do that once).

In order to make sure your files have the proper permissions (so that the graders can read them), follow these instructions.

If you are on a Unix or Linux system (eg: you're on a Mac running OSX), one way to upload files from your computer to the NYU server is via the command line in a terminal window:

scp FILE

Important: The goal here is to send a file from your local computer your NYU account. So when you run scp from a terminal window, make sure your terminal window is not logged into your NYU account.

If you are on a Windows machine, you have two choices:

  1. Use the free program winSCP.
    Detailed instructions on how to download, install, and use winSCP are HERE.

  2. Download pscp from

You can also log into your CIMS account, where you can then run Unix commands right there, such as create subdirectories. To log in remotely:


Do not contact the CIMS staff directly for help with issues regarding this class. You need to work through the graders, either by sending them an email, or else by talking to them during their office hours.

If you are having trouble with file permissions, etc., the first thing you should do is follow the troubleshooting instructions found HERE.

You need to ask the graders (not the CIMS IT staff) if you persist in needing help with any of the following: