Notes for Thursday May 7 class -- Last lecture
We went over the requirements for your final project presentation next week, and I spent the rest of the class giving a tour of my Chalktalk research project (which I hope some of you would be interested in getting involved in).
Final Project Presentations
The final project presentations will be next Tuesday and Thursday at the usual class time. You will be presenting from your own computer, and I will enable screen sharing in Zoom to allow you to share your work with the entire class. Please follow these guidelines:
You should expect to present for five minutes. Your presentation should start with the motivation for your work, followed by a brief description of any prior or related work that inspired your.

Then you should give a live demo, during which you should talk us through the choices you made, point out what your technical innovations were, and describe any design or aesthetic decisions you made along the way, and why you made them.

Finally, you should wrap up by describing what you would do as future or follow-on work, if you were to continue working on this as a larger project, and what your eventual goals would be for that larger project.

I realize that some students are in different time zones. If you cannot present during class time, please let me know, and we will make other arrangements.

If any student has a strong preference for one day over the other, please let me know, and we will make accommodations.

The last day to hand in your homework assignments
I realize that some of you are still catching up on your homework. I have been negotiating with the department to give you more time, which I think is only fair, considering the impact of the outbreak on everyone's schedule.

I've managed to push things back a week for you. :-) The absolute last moment that you can hand in your work is Thursday, May 21, at noon.

NOTE: I am waiving all late penalties for assignments this semester. For any assignment for this class that you manage to complete by noon on Thursday, May 21, you will not be penalized for handing in your work late.

For those of you who have been keeping up with the work, feel free to use that time to add features to any assignments you feel can be better. If you do so, please add a note to let us know what you have improved. The grader and I will take another pass through all the assignments, and any improvements will be noted and reflected in your grade.