Notes for Tuesday April 10:

Since we went over Marching Cubes and related topics only at a high level in this Tuesday's class, I can't give you any homework on those topics at this point.

Over the next few days I will be putting those notes online.

Meanwhile, as promised, I am rolling the assignment that was going to be due yesterday into an assignment to be due next Tuesday, April 17.

I had not yet actually assigned you any homework about Bsplines. For next week, add Bsplines to the set of splines that you can implement to do animation and/or modeling.

For extra credit, you can demonstrate both animation and shape modeling using splines.

Also for extra credit, you can show that you are able to use all three types of cubic splines (Hermite, Bezier and Bspline).

Also for extra credit, try implementing the method of computing vertex normals that I explained in last Thursday's class and course notes.

A good place to use this method of computing vertex normals is with shapes that are defined with the help of spline curves.

If you want to use the vertex normal methods with one of the standard parametric mesh surfaces, I suggest you use a sphere mesh, and that you use a function such as a sin function to modify the vertex positions (which will create ripples in the surface of your shape). Using such a non-standard shape will allow you to show that your vertex normal algorithm is really working.