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Class improv.util.SquareCurve


public final class SquareCurve
extends EditableCurve

Constructor Index

 o SquareCurve(double, double)
 o SquareCurve(double, double, int)
 o SquareCurve(double[], double[])
 o SquareCurve(double[], double[], int)
 o SquareCurve(float, float)
 o SquareCurve(float, float, int)
 o SquareCurve(float[], float[])
 o SquareCurve(float[], float[], int)
 o SquareCurve(float[][])
 o SquareCurve(float[][], int)

Method Index

 o copy()
Create a duplicate of this curve.
 o eval(double)
This is called from the animate method and is overridden by the individual curve classes.


 o SquareCurve
 public SquareCurve(float x,
                    float y)
 o SquareCurve
 public SquareCurve(float x,
                    float y,
                    int type)
 o SquareCurve
 public SquareCurve(float x[],
                    float y[])
 o SquareCurve
 public SquareCurve(float xPoints[],
                    float yPoints[],
                    int type)
 o SquareCurve
 public SquareCurve(float points[][])
 o SquareCurve
 public SquareCurve(float points[][],
                    int type)
 o SquareCurve
 public SquareCurve(double x,
                    double y)
 o SquareCurve
 public SquareCurve(double x,
                    double y,
                    int type)
 o SquareCurve
 public SquareCurve(double x[],
                    double y[])
 o SquareCurve
 public SquareCurve(double xPoints[],
                    double yPoints[],
                    int type)


 o copy
 public EditableCurve copy()
Create a duplicate of this curve.

copy in class EditableCurve
 o eval
 public double eval(double time)
This is called from the animate method and is overridden by the individual curve classes.

eval in class Curve

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