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Class improv.util.CosineCurve


public final class CosineCurve
extends ParameterizedCurve
The CosineCurve object is one of six curve types used by the various filter types, to compute time varying values.

Constructor Index

 o CosineCurve()
The Default Constructor
 o CosineCurve(Curve, Curve, Curve)
Creates a CosineCurve whose min,max and frequency are themselves time-varying parameters.
 o CosineCurve(Curve, Curve, Curve, Curve, Curve, double, double, double, double, double)
Creates a CosineCurve whose min, max, frequency, bias and gain are themselves time-varying parameters.
 o CosineCurve(Curve[])
Creates a CosineCurve from an array of curves.
 o CosineCurve(double, double, double)
Constructs a CosineCurve given a min, max and frequency
 o CosineCurve(double, double, double, double, double)
Constructs a CosineCurve given a min, max, frequency, bias and gain

Method Index

 o eval(double)
The eval method is called from the execute method of the parent ParameterizedCurve class.


 o CosineCurve
 public CosineCurve()
The Default Constructor

 o CosineCurve
 public CosineCurve(double min,
                    double max,
                    double frq)
Constructs a CosineCurve given a min, max and frequency

 o CosineCurve
 public CosineCurve(double min,
                    double max,
                    double frequency,
                    double bias,
                    double gain)
Constructs a CosineCurve given a min, max, frequency, bias and gain

 o CosineCurve
 public CosineCurve(Curve c1,
                    Curve c2,
                    Curve c3)
Creates a CosineCurve whose min,max and frequency are themselves time-varying parameters.

 o CosineCurve
 public CosineCurve(Curve a1,
                    Curve a2,
                    Curve f,
                    Curve b,
                    Curve g,
                    double a1Val,
                    double a2Val,
                    double fVal,
                    double bVal,
                    double gVal)
Creates a CosineCurve whose min, max, frequency, bias and gain are themselves time-varying parameters.

 o CosineCurve
 public CosineCurve(Curve curves[])
Creates a CosineCurve from an array of curves. If the array length is 3 the curves are used for min, max and frequency. If the array length is 5 the curves are used for min, max, frequency, bias and gain.


 o eval
 public double eval(double time)
The eval method is called from the execute method of the parent ParameterizedCurve class.

eval in class Curve

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