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Class improv.event.ImprovEvent


public final class ImprovEvent
extends Object
The ImprovEvent object is used by the ImprovObservable class to pass data to corresponding ImprovObservers.

Variable Index

 o arg
 o id
 o target
 o when

Constructor Index

 o ImprovEvent()
The default contstructor
 o ImprovEvent(Object, int, Object)
Create a new ImprovEvent and initialize it.

Method Index

 o setEvent(Object, int, Object)
Set the event values for an existing ImprovEvent object.


 o id
 public int id
 o target
 public Object target
 o arg
 public Object arg
 o when
 public long when


 o ImprovEvent
 public ImprovEvent()
The default contstructor

 o ImprovEvent
 public ImprovEvent(Object target,
                    int id,
                    Object argument)
Create a new ImprovEvent and initialize it.

target - generally the object generating the event
id - a numerical id generally corresponding to the target type
argument - an optional argument passed to the observer when an event is generated. This argument is passed to the ImprovObservable object when the ImprovObserver is registered (through the addObserver method)


 o setEvent
 public void setEvent(Object target,
                      int id,
                      Object argument)
Set the event values for an existing ImprovEvent object.

target - generally the object generating the event
id - a numerical id generally corresponding to the target type
argument - an optional argument passed to the observer when an event is generated. This argument is passed to the ImprovObservable object when the ImprovObserver is registered (through the addObserver method)

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