Modern Nonsmooth Optimization

A Workshop in Honor of the 60th Birthday of Adrian Lewis

Location & Time

Bill and Melinda Gates Center for Computer Science and Engineering (Gates Center) in the Zillow Commons (fourth floor)

University of Washington, Seattle, 2022

Tues Aug 9 and Wed Aug 10 ( 9am - 5pm )

Magnuson Cafe and Brewery

Tues Aug 9 (6pm - 10pm)

Click here for the tentative schedule

Confirmed Speakers

Name Title of Presentation Institution Abstract Link
Aris Daniilidis Determining a Function via the Modulus of its Derivative TU Wien View
Dmitriy Drusvyatskiy Adrian Lewis: Greatest Hits University of Washington View
Robert M. Freund Using Taylor-Approximated Gradients to Improve the Frank-Wolfe method for Empirical Risk Minimization MIT Sloan School of Management View
Warren Hare Positive Basis: Usage, Analysis, and Construction University of British Columbia, Okanagan Campus View
Tim Hoheisel The Maximum Entropy on the Mean Method for Inverse Problems McGill University View
Alexander Ioffe On Necessary Conditions in Calculus of Variations Technion - Israel Institute of Technilogy View
Genaro López Adrian's Insight into Optimization in Geodesic Spaces Seville University View
Russell Luke Transport Discrepancy: Results and Applications Georg-August University of Goettingen View
Boris Mordukhovich Globally Convergent Coderivative-Based Generalized Newton Methods in Nonsmooth Optimization Wayne State University View
Adriana Nicolae Local Linear Convergence of Alternating Projections Babes-Bolyai University View
Courtney Paquette Stochastic Algorithms in the Large: Batch Size Saturation, Stepsize Criticality, and Exact Dynamics McGill University View
Andy Philpott Distributionally Robust Sample-Average Approximation University of Auckland View
Terry Rockafellar Multipler Methods and Splitting in Convex Optimization University of Washington View
Claudia Sagastizábal Projective Bundle Methods IMECC-Unicamp View
Nathalie Sinclair Ŕ la recherche du Fromage perdu Simon Fraser University View
Steve Wright Randomized Kaczmarz algorithms: Accelerated and Asynchronous University of Wisconsin-Madison View

Other Participants

Sasha Aravkin, University of Washington
Julia Eaton, University of Washington, Tacoma Campus
Maryam Fazel, University of Washington
Kellie MacPhee, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Mikhail Solodov, IMPA
Shahriar Talebi, University of Washington
Zhuoyu Xiao, University of Victoria


James V Burke (Washington), Dmitriy Drusvyatskiy (Washington), Michael L. Overton (N.Y.U.)


Pacific Institute of Mathematical Sciences, University of Washington, New York University