Keefer Rowan

PhD Student at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences,
  advised by Vlad Vicol and Scott Armstrong
Email: keefer [dot] rowan [at]

I am interested in generic phenomena in physical models accessible with analytic and probabilistic tools.

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  1. A universal total anomalous dissipator
      with Elias Hess-Childs
  2. Exponential scalar mixing for the 2D Navier-Stokes equations with degenerate stochastic forcing
      with William Cooperman
  3. Accelerated relaxation enhancing flows cause total dissipation
      in Nonlinearity
  4. On anomalous diffusion in the Kraichnan model and correlated-in-time variants
      in Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis
  5. Higher-order propagation of chaos in L^2 for interacting diffusions
      with Elias Hess-Childs
      accepted to Probability and Mathematical Physics
  6. The No Free Lunch Theorem, Kolmogorov Complexity, and the Role of Inductive Biases in Machine Learning
      with Micah Goldblum, Marc Anton Finzi, and Andrew Gordon Wilson
      in International Conference on Machine Learning 2024
  7. Simulation of a hydrogen atom in laser field using the time-dependent variational principle
      with Louis Schatzki, Timothy Zaklama, Yasumitsu Suzuki, Kazuyuki Watanabe, and Kalman Varga
      in Physical Review E
  8. Matrix Elements of One Dimensional Explicitly Correlated Gaussian Basis Functions
      with Timothy Zaklama, David Zhang, Louis Schatzki, Yasuyuki Suzuki, and Kálmán Varga
      in Few Body Systems
  9. Measurement and modeling of electron-cloud-induced betatron tune shifts at the Cornell Electron-positron Storage Ring test accelerator
      with Stephen Poprocki, Sean Buechele, James Crittenden, David Rubin, and John San Soucie
      in Physical Review Accelerators and Beams