In this talk I will present a quantitative framework
for describing the overcompleteness (redundancy) of a large class of frames.
I will introduce the notion of localization between two frames F = {f_i}_{i
\in I} and E= {e_j}_{j \in Z^d}, relating the decay of the expansion of the
elements of F in terms of the elements of E via a map a:I->Z^d. A fundamental
set of equalities are shown between two seemingly unrelated quantities: the
relative measure, which is determined by certain averages of <f_i><\tilde{f}_i>
(inner products of frame elements with their corresponding canonical dual
frame elements, and the density of the set a(I) in Z^d. They read:
p-lim 1/|I_N| \sum_{i\in I_N} <f_i><\tilde{f}_i> = 1/D(a;p)
The idea of localization and the above equalities lead to an array of new
results that hold in a general setting, and are novel when applied to the
cases of irregular Gabor frames and windowed exponentials. Various Nyquist
density results for Gabor frames are recovered as special cases, and in the
process both their meaning and implications are clarified.
This is a joint work with Chris Heil, Pete Casazza, and Zeph Landau.