Aleksandar Donev, 1016 Warren Weaver HallE-mail: ; Phone: (212) 992-7315
Office hours starting 9/12/2019 : 3-4 pm Tuesdays, 4-5pm on Thursdays, or by appointment
Sachin Nachin (netid srn324).Office hours: Fridays 4-5pm in room 406 at 60 Fifth Ave (Data Science building, not Courant!)
Course description
This course is a graduate-level introduction to practical introduction to computational problem solving, including both mathematical analysis of numerical algorithms (numerical analysis) and practical problem solving. This is not a programming course but programming in homework projects with Matlab or numerical/scientific Python is an important part of the course work.
3 points per term
Topics covered include:
- floating point arithmetic, conditioning and stability
- direct methods for systems of linear equations
- matrix eigenvalue problems and SVD decomposition
- numerical interpolation, differentiation and integration
- nonlinear systems of equations and unconstrained optimization
- Fourier and wavelet transforms
- ordinary and partial differential equations
- Monte Carlo methods.
As the primary textbook that I will point you to for additional reading, I recommend Numerical Methods: Design, Analysis, and Computer Implementation of Algorithms by Anne Greenbaum & Timothy P. Chartier (library call number QA297.G15 2012). This book is available to you freely in electronic format via NYU's library (permalink). Codes can be found at the author's website.
A secondary optional textbook is Fundamentals of numerical computation by Tobin Driscoll (QA297.D75 2018), see additional resources including codes/slides in Matlab/Julia/Python. This book is not available freely but an electronic copy can be purchased via google play -- if you wish to purchase a hard copy use this 20% discount flier. This textbook is very applied and hands on with Matlab and more elementary in some respects.
Additional Resources
Some of the lectures will be more closely based on a draft of an upcoming book Principles of Scientific Computing by my colleagues Jonathan Goodman and David Bindel, to be found here as one PDF or as individual chapters.
There are many free online materials that can be consulted as additional reading, depending on your background and interests. Here are some suggestions (more may be added as the course progresses) that you have special access to through the NYU/Courant library:
- Numerical Computing with MATLAB, by Cleve Moler, available for free in PDF form at the MATLAB site.
- The Cambridge Engineering guide to MATLAB has lots of useful information.
- An Introduction to Programming and Numerical Methods in MATLAB, Stephen R. Otto & James P. Denier, Springer, 2005, available in PDF format through the library. This book provides an elementary introduction to Matlab with less focus on actual scientific computing.
A solid background (undergraduate level) in multivariate calculus and linear algebra. Experience with writing computer programs (in Matlab, Python, Julia or other high-level language) is strongly recommended as homework assignments will involve programming from the start and you will be expected to catch up on your own (summer break is a good time to learn programming!).
Prior knowledge of Matlab is not required, but it will be used as the main language for the course. If you have experience with other languages (Fortran, C, C++, Python), Matlab will be easy to learn and use, and comes with a great help facility. Please look at some of the "Additional Readings" above for programming guides.
Assignments and grading
There will be regular (biweekly or weekly) challenging assignments and a take-home final. The assignments will be mostly computational. You will be expected to submit a PDF of your solutions, as explained in more detail under Assignments. The grade will be 50% based on assignments and 50% on a take-home final which will be similar to the homework assignments and will be due by 9am on Thurday December 19th. Assuming the total possible number of points (excluding extra credit) is 100, the grade scale will be based on the weights used in computing your GPA:
- >92.5 = A
- 87.5-92.5 = A-
- 80.0-87.5 = B+
- 72.5-80.0 = B
- 65.0-72.5 = B-
- 57.5-65.0 = C+
- 50.0-57.5 = C
- 42.5-50.0 = C-
- <42.5 = F
The NYU Classes webpage will be used for messages related to the assignments and any scheduling changes, as well as material that is for your personal use only such as sample solutions of past assignments. If you register for the class, you automatically have access. All course materials including lecture notes and assignments will be posted on this site as they become available.
You should feel free to email the instructor with any questions, concerns, or special requests such as deadline extensions, meeting outside of office hours, etc.
You are encouraged to submit reports as PDFs produced using LaTex (latex), as a good practice in learning how to use mathematical typesetting software for future papers and thesis reports. I recommend trying out the LyX word processor as a front-end GUI to LaTex, especially if you are new to LaTex.
Also see these resources listed by my colleague David Bindell. In particular, some coding advice that may be useful in general.