______________ Binary Disks ______________ 1) Melting of binary phase-separated hard-disk crystal: phi=0.775 (melting is incomplete) LSD.HS.bi.2D.N=4096.crystal.expansion=2to0E-8.phi=0.775.melting.mng phi=0.763 (melting is complete but slow) LSD.HS.bi.2D.N=4096.crystal.expansion=2to0E-8.phi=0.763.melting.mng 9) For binary hard disks phi~0.8 is the kinetic glass transition density, and relaxatio dynamics is very slow LSD.HS.bi.2D.N=4096.Matern.R=1.nu=0.1.phi=0.8.relaxation.mng but at density phi=0.775 the dynamics is liquid-like, with long-time diffusion and complete mixing (ergodicity?): LSD.HS.bi.2D.N=4096.Matern.R=2.nu=0.1.phi=0.775.relaxation.mng A partially-clustered (micro-segregated) nonequilibrium binary disk system at phi=0.8 is stable over long MD runs: LSD.HS.bi.2D.N=4096.Matern.R=2.nu=1.0.phi=0.8.relaxation.mng but at a density phi=0.775 it demixes completely (though slowly) LSD.HS.bi.2D.N=4096.Matern.R=2.nu=1.0.phi=0.775.relaxation.mng ______________ Jamming ______________ 2) A hard-disk packing was produced by freezing some of the disks (purple). It has a low density phi~0.84 and appears jammed at first sight. However, running MD reveals that it is not and an unjamming motion becomes apparent---the new jamming density is closer to phi~0.9 LSD.HS.mono.2D.frozen.unjamming.gif 3) A collectively jammed disk packing (with rattlers removed) is not strictly jammed, as apparent when running MD with a deformable unit cell (lattice vectors): OHern.mono.2D.large.1.backbone.strict.unjamming.gif 5) A collectively jammed disk packing is stretched to make an ellipse packing. It is no longer jammed, as MD demonstrates Pentagon.10.e=0.975.melting.gif 6) The strictly jammed triangular disk crystal is stretched to make an ellipse packing. It is no longer strictly jammed, since it can be continuously sheared: Triangular.HE.large.animation.gif ______________ Dominos ______________ 4) The density of a random domino tiling is slowly increased from liquid to jamming: N=5000 LSD.SHE.mono.2D.alpha=2.0.exp=7.5.N=5000.a=1.0E-4.movie.gif N=1250 LSD.SHE.mono.2D.alpha=2.0.exp=7.5.N=1250.a=1.0E-4.movie.gif The density of a random domino tiling is slowly reduced from close packing to liquid densities using MD: LSD.SHE.mono.2D.alpha=2.0.exp=7.5.N=5000.dominos.random.a=1.00E-4.movie.gif A nematic domino tiling changes density from close packing to liquid: LSD.SHE.mono.2D.alpha=2.0.exp=7.5.N=1250.dominos.alligned.a=1.00E-3.movie.gif ______________ MD ______________ 7) Compressing monodisperse disks with a fixed unit cell produces nearly triangular polycrystalline packings with line deffects: LSD.HS.2D.N=250.noPR.animation.gif Including deformations of the unit cell (Parinello-Rahman-type MD) leads to perfect triangular packings with some vacancies: LSD.HS.2D.N=250.PR.animation.gif 8) MD of hard-sphere FCC crystal (phi=0.70) Demo.HS.3D.crystal.mpg and of hard-sphere dense liquid (phi=0.49) Demo.HS.3D.liquid.mpg Also hard-disk crystal Demo.HS.2D.crystal.mpg and hard-disk liquid ____________________________________________ For presentation: Unjamming: LSD.HS.mono.2D.frozen.unjamming.gif Dominos: LSD.SHE.mono.2D.alpha=2.0.exp=7.5.N=1250.a=1.0E-4.movie.gif Glassy dynamics: DiskTrapping.MRJ.mng DiskTrapping.random.mng DiskTrapping.crystal.mng