Douglas Dow's Website

Mathematics PhD Student at the Courant Institute, NYU.

Picture of me.

About Me

Hi! Thank you for visiting my home page. I am currently a PhD student at NYU Courant and my advisor is Yuri Bakhtin. In Spring 2020 I graduated from the University of Chicago with a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics with Honors.

I study probability, and my specific research topic is the zero and positive temperature polymers. At zero temperature, the directed polymer model describes paths arranged in space so as to minimize energy accrued from movement and from contributions from a random environment. This model is supposed to describe some universal features of biological polymers, tears in paper, coffee percolation, and more. At positive temperature a directed polymer is a random Gibbs distribution on paths with Hamiltonian given by the aforementioned energy. I am currently studying topics related to localization, infinite volume polymer measures, and properties of the shape function. I also am interested in the more general problem of stochastic control in a random medium.

Contact Me

The best way to contact me is my email: dd3103 [at] nyu [dot] edu.