- Lei Chen (Sept 2020 - )
- Karl Otness (Sept 2019 -, joint with Ben Peherstofer )
- Noah Amsel (Sep 2022-, joint with Chris Musco)
- Evan Dogariu (Sep 2024- )
Postdocs/ Fellows
- Chris Petersen (Sep 2022 -, part of M2Lines)
- Gilad Yehudai (2024 - )
- Carles Domingo (Sept 2019 -2024 )
- Aaron Zweig (Sept 2018 - 2023)
- David Brandfonbrener (Sept 2018 - 2023)
- Samy Jelassi (2018 -2023, Princeton ORFE )
- Min Jae Song (2018 -2023, joint with Oded Regev )
- Zhengdao Chen (Sept 2018 - Sep 2022)
- Alberto Bietti (Sep 2020-Sep 2022)
- Cinjon Resnick (Sep 2017 - June 2022, joint with Kyunghyun Cho )
- Yossi Arjevani (Sept 2019 - Sep 2021, HUJI Assistant Professor )
- Francis Williams (Sept 2018 -Aug 2021, joint with Denis Zorin, Nvidia )
- Luca Venturi (Sept 2017 - Aug 2021, Meta Research Scientist)
- Arthur Mensch (Visiting Postdoc, 2019)
- Thomas Moreau (2017, Visiting Postdoc)
- Alex Nowak (PhD Student, INRIA Paris)
- Lisha Li (Rosebud AI, CEO)
- Matthew Trager (Amazon AI)
- Pau Riba (PhD Student, Caltech)
- Victor Garcia (PhD Student, Amsterdam)
- Gaspar Rochette (PhD Student, ENS Ulm)
- David Folque (MsC Student, London)
- Loucas Pillaud-Vivien (Sep 2022-2024, part of NSF-MoDL)
- Cedric Gebrelot (Sep 2022-2024, part of NSF-MoDL)
I am thankful for the generous financial support of the following institutions:
- National Science Foundation
- Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
- Samsung Research
- Samsung Electronics
- Capital One
- Schmidt Futures