Research interests: random dynamics, probabilistic models of mathematical physics
A link for students wishing to email me
Office: CI/WWH 729
Spring 2025: Essentials of Probability
Fall 2024: Theory of Probability (the course webpage is on Brightspace)
Spring 2024: Essentials of Probability
Fall 2023: Honors ODEs (the course webpage is on Brightspace)
Spring 2023 (second half of the semester): Advanced topics in Probability. Random perturbations of dynamical systems.
Spring 2023: Applied Stoschastic Analysis (the course webpage is on Brightspace)
Fall 2022: Honors ODEs (the course webpage is on Brightspace)
Spring 2022: Probability II
Spring 2022 (second half of the semester): Advanced topics in Probability. Directed Polymers.
Fall 2021: Theory of Probability
Spring 2020: Probability: Limit Theorems II
Fall 2019: Honors III (Introduction to Stochastic Processes), via NYU Classes
Spring 2019:
Spring 2018: Probability: Limit Theorems II
Fall 2017: Basic Probability
Spring 2017: Probability and Statistics
Fall 2016: Basic Probability
Fall 2015: Topics course on Ergodic theory of Markov processes.
Spring 2015: Probability: Limit Theorems II
Fall 2014: Probability: Limit Theorems I