Upcoming special events
Some past special events
Random Matrix and Combinatorics Conference
June 2--6, 2002
Workshop on Zeta-functions and Associated Riemann Hypotheses
May 29--June 1, 2002
XVIIth Annual Geometry Festival
April 5--7, 2002
XIX Courant Lecture
March 26--27, 2002
Joint Courant Institute/Columbia Astronomy Workshop in honor of
Ed Spiegel's 70th birthday;
March 24--25, 2001
March 23--24, 2001
Workshop for the Center for Atmosphere Ocean Studies (CAOS);
December 8-9, 2000
PROBABILITY 2000:A Conference Celebrating the 60th Birthdays of
Dan Stroock and Raghu Varadhan ;
November 3-5, 2000
"Proof" Symposium;
October 16, 2000
- Nonlinear Analysis 2000 -->
May 28-June 2, 2000.
- A two-day workshop on Stochastic
Modelling for Climate Prediction;
December 3 and 4, 1999.
Mathematical Problems in the Molecular Sciences;
October 9-10, 1999
- A conference
in honor of the 60th birthday of Olof Widlund, January 23 and 24, 1998.
CIMS home page / webmaster@cims.nyu.edu