16th International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods

Notes about proceedings preparation have been e-mailed to all corresponding authors. Copies of talks and posters given at DD16 are meanwhile being posted at the webpages of ddm.org (see second bulleted link). Participants are encouraged to post their slides by sending a copy in pdf form to Martin Gander, ddm.org webmaster, at "gander (at) math.unige.ch". If your talk file is larger than 2MB, please consider writing it out with a degraded number of pixels per unit length until it fits this not-too-taxing download limit.

Hosted by the Courant Institute, in cooperation with Columbia's Department of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics and SIAM's Special Interest Group for Supercomputing.

Download the conference poster (pdf, 210KB).

Walk-on registration is available. See payment page and download FAX'able payment form for details.

Domain decomposition is an active, interdisciplinary research area concerned with the development, analysis, and implementation of coupling and decoupling strategies in mathematical and computational models of natural and engineered systems.

The domain decomposition conference series is growing in diversity of scientific scope, in step with the growing scope of parallel supercomputing. It continues to draw mathematical analysts, while attracting increased attention from modelers, who inject new algorithmic challenges.

Contributions to the 16th international conference are encouraged in areas of mathematical and numerical analysis, computer science, scientific and industrial applications, and software development. Besides the traditional focus on systems governed by PDEs, contributions in domain-decomposed approaches to eigenanalysis, optimization, and large-scale network, circuit, and data analysis, as well as other areas are encouraged.


Registration: Early registration ends 29 November 2004
Tutorials: 11 January 2005, 9am - 12 January 2005, noon
Conference: 12 January 2005, 1pm - 15 January 2005, 5pm
Welcome Reception: 12 January 2005, evening
Conference Banquet: 14 January 2005, evening

The tutorials will be held at Columbia University.

Apart from the banquet, lunch and dinner will not be catered at the conference, due to the large variety of economical alternatives in the immediate Greenwich Village area.

International scientific visitors to the United States may wish to consult the webpages of the International Visitors Office of the U.S. National Academies.

Accompanying persons and visitors arriving before the conference or staying afterwards as tourists will certainly want to consult the webpages of the www.nycvisit.com for everything from weather, maps, transportation advice, events calendars, and FAQs to the numerous world-class entertainment and educational opportunities New York City has to offer, including theater, music, museums, architecture, historical sites, monuments, shopping, restaurants, ethnic enclaves, parks, and more.

The four pages of pre-departure notes are here .



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Website Thanks: Uwe Poehle (Zuse Institute) and Sabrina Nordt (Free University) of Berlin