Notes About Proceedings Preparation
Dear Participants in DD16,
This message updates the latest official message that many of you have
had on the proceedings of DD16, which was back on January 20. We
apologize for a long delay. In return, we are relaxing the submission
date by two weeks, and the ideal production schedule has slipped a
bit, accordingly, but we still believe that we can put the
camera-ready proceedings in Springer hands by the end of the summer.
We expect to have the book issued in Springer's Lecture Notes in
Computational Science & Engineering series, which also handled the
proceedings of DD15. LNCS&E has only very rarely published
proceedings in its 45-volume history (the two previous exceptions
being the European Multigrid Conference and the FORTWIHR series).
This is a testimony to the fine work that Ralf Kornhuber and
colleagues did in editing DD15 and to the high regard that Springer
acquisitions editor Martin Peters (himself a mathematician) has for
the talks that he heard in person at DD16.
The arrangements concluded with Springer are highly favorable to all
of us. Though they will acquire the copyright on all accepted
chapters, they will permit to post pdfs of individual chapters
at our website, for the benefit of the technical community. They will
also make copies of the first printing available at about half off the
list price. Unfortunately, our low cost does not include the option
of figures in color. Springer has an international distribution and
our volume will be easy for searchers to locate a few years down the
road, after the initial distribution. (Every registrant is scheduled
to receive a copy of this volume. If any participant of DD16 would
like to order extra copies of the proceedings, let us know that before
we finalize the size of the DD16 order later in the summer.)
The organizers are DD16 are also pleased to announce that papers whose
principal authors are students may be entered into a student paper
competition, which will be judged by the editors of the proceedings.
To be considered in the competition for best student paper, a paper
need not be singly authored by a student, but all authors of the
winning paper must agree in writing that the student author had the
lead role in the paper. (student, for this purpose means a
full-time candidate for a (first) doctoral degree in an accredited
program within the broad technical scope of the domain decomposition
research community.) Students who wish to have their papers
considered should so indicate in the e-mail to "dd16 (at)"
that accompanies the manuscript. A cash prize of US$500 awaits the
As mentioned on the DD16 webpages, publication in the proceedings of
DD16 is not automatic. Submitted chapters will be refereed and
editorial revisions will be recommended. The editors must insure that
the volume meets Springer's own editorial standards, since it will be
reviewed a second time downstream of the hand-off to Springer.
Particular attention should be paid to the central theme of the
chapter. Many people presenting at DD16 have technical interests
beyond the domain decomposition aspects of their work, for instance
applications to medicine or manufacturing, or areas of mathematics
such as problem formulation or discretization not necessarily tied to
domain decomposition aspects of the problem. Since proceedings
contributions are short, they should concentrate on aspects likely to
be of interest to all domain decomposition participants, with other
aspects of interest confined to a brief introduction and bibliographic
To prepare proceedings contributions, authors are encouraged to begin
by downloading the latex file of their abstract, as it appeared in the
DD16 abstract book distributed at the meeting (see below for how to
retrieve these files). The abstract book was built with latex macros
nearly identical to the ones that will be used to build the
proceedings, except that a few commands were altered to significantly
reduce the amount of white space in the abstract book.
Please note, however, that the abstract book compilers did not
necessarily convert all bibliographic items (where present) to the
form required by Springer. Authors are responsible for submitting
latex-bug-free chapters that conform to the minimum stylistic
requirements of Springer.
Springer Verlag's multi-authored book macros are freely available here.
(Once on this page, download the third linked item in the right
margin, For contributed books, proceedings, and similar (ZIP
The zip directory contains much more information than that required by
authors; most of the bulk is for editors. All you really need is the
class file svmult.cls and a root file that will load your content
and invoke the class file. The files author.tex and referenc.tex
in the templates subdirectory of the Springer multi-author zip
archive above will suffice. Instructions on finding these at the dd16
website are given below.
Presently, the latest versions of all files that were used to generate
the final abstract book are sitting at:
Files are of the form <<author>_<<program element>.tex (note the
underscore), where <<author> is the surname of the corresponding
author (in the case of multiple authors), supplemented by first
initial where necessary for uniqueness (e.g., "wang_k" or wang_y)
and where <<program element> is one of "plenary", "mini_<<#>",
"contrib", or "poster". In the minis, the <<#> ranges from 1 to 8.
Since some authors had talks in multiple minis, it is necessary to
keep this subscript. Hence, if Joe Green was the submitting author on
a paper in minisymposium 5, he would download
Similarly, poster presenter Yu Hu would look for
There are three other files that every submitter should take from DD16
or pick up at Springer (URL above):
These are needed to test-build the submission.
Here are some additional instructions:
The maximum page-length is 12 pages for invited plenary talks and 8
pages for all others. This includes references. This is very
cramped, but should be enough if authors carefully concentrate on the
novel domain decomposition aspect of their work and make efficient use
of references to the literature.
Submitted chapters need not conform identically to what was
presented at the conference. Titles and authoring teams may change.
In the best case, discussion after the conference presentation has
already enabled the author to learn something new to be included.
Chapters may be related to other publications by the author(s), but
should have a unique title and some unique result. Due to page length
restrictions, it is natural that some authors will attempt to publish
fuller version of their latest work in archival journals and reserve a
special angle for their proceedings chapter. The DD16 proceedings is
abstracted in MathSciNet and should meet traditional standards for
originality and quality, within the limitations of length.
Authors are encouraged to retrieve bib-tex references from
MathSciNet (e.g.,, among mirror sites in
Europe and elsewhere), should they already be available in that
database. This will result in more uniformity through the book and
also ensure that names of journals are abbreviated correctly and
Submissions should be received by April 15, 2005 for full editorial
consideration. Since total volume length might hit 1000 pages, the
editors will not feel obligated to wait on chapters that slow the path
towards publication.
Authors whose chapters are accepted for publication will be
required to transfer copyright to Springer, as is the universal custom.
If there are problems with the decisions and procedures outlined here,
we may need to send out additional messages, but perhaps we have
waited too long already to release what we have arrived at!
Best regards,
David and Olof
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Website Thanks: Uwe Poehle (Zuse Institute) and Sabrina Nordt (Free University) of Berlin