Title: Enhancing
Turbulence in Ocean Models
Laure Zanna, University of Oxford
role of turbulent mesoscale (10-100km) eddies is crucial for
the ocean circulation and its energy budget. The sub-grid
scale eddy variability needs to be parametrized in
ocean models, even at so-called eddy permitting resolutions.
I will present some recent advances we have made in
representing turbulent eddy fluxes using a
non-Newtonian stress. The non-Newtonian stress
depends on the partially resolved scales and their
variability and is shown to be a good parametrization of
ocean turbulence by enhancing the kinetic energy
inverse cascade. The parametrization possesses attractive
features for implementation in global models: little
computational cost, flow- and scale-awareness,
and a dependence on the life cycle of mesoscale
contact Ed Gerber (gerber@cims.nyu.edu) if you’d
like an opportunity to meet with Laure.