Stable Approximations of Navier-Stokes equations with no Artificial
Eitan Tadmor,
University of Maryland
Entropy stability plays an important role in the dynamics of nonlinear
systems of conservation laws and related convection-diffusion
equations. What about the corresponding numerical framework? we
present a general theory of entropy stability for difference
approximations of such nonlinear equations. Our approach is based on
comparing numerical viscosities relative to certain entropy
conservative schemes.It yields precise characterizations of entropy
stability which is enforced in rare factions while keeping sharp
resolution of shocks. We demonstrate this approach with a host of
first- and second-order accurate schemes ranging
from scalar examples to Euler and Navier-Stokes equations. In
particular, we construct a new family of entropy stable schemes which
retain the precise entropy decay of the Navier-Stokes equations. They
contain no artificial numerical viscosity. Numerical experiments
provide a remarkable evidence for the different roles of viscosity and
heat conduction in forming sharp monotone profiles in the immediate
neighborhoods of shocks and contacts.