David Ruelle, IHES
Abstract: The macroscopic study of hydrodynamic turbulence is
equivalent, at an abstract level, to the microscopic study of a heat
flow for a suitable mechanical system. Turbulent fluctuations
(intermittency) then correspond to thermal fluctuations, and this
allows to estimate the exponents tau_p and zeta_p associated with
moments of dissipation fluctuations and velocity fluctuations.
This approach, initiated in an earlier note, is pursued here
more carefully. In particular we derive probability
distributions at finite Reynolds number for the dissipation and
velocity fluctuations, and the latter permit an interpretation of
numerical experiments. Specifically, if p(z)dz is the
probability distribution of the radial velocity gradient we can
explain why, when the Reynolds number increases, log p(z) passes
from a concave to a linear then to a convex profile for large z as
observed. We show that the central limit theorem applies to
the dissipation and velocity distribution functions, so that a
logical relation with the lognormal theory of Kolmogorov and Obukhov
is established. We find however that the lognormal behavior of
the distribution functions fails at large value of the argument, so
that a lognormal theory cannot correctly predict the exponents tau_p
and zeta_p.