Learning transition states: approximation, sampling, and
optimization with rare data
Grant Rostkoff, CIMS
The surprising flexibility and undeniable empirical success
of machine learning algorithms has inspired many theoretical
explanations for the efficacy of neural networks. Here, I will briefly
introduce one perspective that provides not only asymptotic guarantees
of trainability and accuracy in high-dimensional learning problems, but
also provides some prescriptions and design principles for learning.
Bolstered by the favorable scaling of these algorithms in high
dimensional problems, I will turn to a central problem in computational
condensed matter physics---that of computing reaction pathways. From
the perspective of an applied mathematician, these problems typically
appear hopeless; they are not only high-dimensional, but also dominated
by rare events. However, with neural networks in the toolkit, at least
the dimensionality is somewhat less intimidating. I will describe an
algorithm that combines stochastic gradient descent with importance
sampling to optimize a function representation of a reaction pathway
for an arbitrary system. Finally, I will provide numerical evidence of
the power and limitations of this approach.